please tell me there is someone else out there who still changes the cat litter when they are pg? this sounds awful, but no matter how many times I remind my DH he needs to do it (ie - weekly) he just doesn't do it. so then it ends up just stinking up the laundry room so I put on some rubber gloves and end up changing it myself, even though I am 20 weeks pg. I wash my hands thoroughly after too. *sigh*
Re: changing cat litter when pg?
My son had to take over that job while his wife is pg....I threaten him lol! I told him if he didnt take over the job I would be spoiling his daughter rotten to the point where she will be the worst spoiled brat he's ever met lmao
Actually he would do anything for his wife.
You need to really hound your dh.
I have done it with both pregnancies. We use liners, which makes it easy.
Mine are indoor cats and always have been, so it's no biggie.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008