I think you will find on this board everyone is pro CD and will recommend it.
Check out the FAQ at the top of the page. Then just start asking away with more specific questions.
Prices - You can go as cheap as $200 for an entire stash or up into the thousands. We have a decent stash and are probably at about $500-$600.
Worth it - depends on your reasons for doing it but I would say yes.
We used sposies for about 3 months before switching to cloth and I wish we had made the switch sooner. We have had fewer blowouts, fewer rashes, and I think sposies smell worse. Also, CDing is much easier than I ever thought it would be.
Re: Considering!
I think you will find on this board everyone is pro CD and will recommend it.
Check out the FAQ at the top of the page. Then just start asking away with more specific questions.
Prices - You can go as cheap as $200 for an entire stash or up into the thousands. We have a decent stash and are probably at about $500-$600.
Worth it - depends on your reasons for doing it but I would say yes.
We used sposies for about 3 months before switching to cloth and I wish we had made the switch sooner. We have had fewer blowouts, fewer rashes, and I think sposies smell worse. Also, CDing is much easier than I ever thought it would be.