New SAHM here! Do you guys know any websites with relatively easy/cheap meal ideas? I'm just starting to do meal planning and all that but don't want to spend a ton on groceries every month. I have the basic spices and cooking supplies. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated! TIA.
anyone can be passionate, it takes real lovers to be silly
Re: Help with meals please =)
Do you have a basic cookbook?
I like to start there. I usually find something that looks good and write out all of the ingredients (that I don't already have) on my shopping list. From there, I look at my ingredient list and think of what will be extra (maybe half a chicken, a bunch of spinach, half an onion, half a bag of tortillas, etc), then plan another meal based on that ingredient. Most cookbooks have an index that will list things by the main ingredients if you can't think of anything. I do that until I have about 4 meals planned. I buy fruit and veggies based on what's on sale/in season and use those as sides along with some fresh bread.
I also plan to go out once a week, have sandwiches once a week, and have pizza, mac and cheese, or something frozen once a week.
I will warn you that meal planning with a newborn is difficult. They are notorious for not giving a *** about any of your plans
I absolutely love E-Meals.
I think it's worth it to make some freezer meals before LO gets here. Lasagna, mac-n-cheese, chicken pot pies, chicken and rice casserole, meatballs, meatloaf, soups, enchiladas...all oft these freeze beautifully and they are very cheap and easy to make. Then, when LO is here and the last thing anyone wants to do is cook, you have easy go-to meals that just have to be popped in the oven or microwave.
For meal planning, I agree that a good cookbook is a great place to start. Betty Crocker is my go-to, and the wedding edition cookbook has lots of tips and tricks for new cooks. It's chock full of great recipes too, with a whole section of 30 minutes or less recipes.
I also get Taste of Home Simple and Delicious magazine. It's cheap, comes about quarterly and always has great, easy, inexpensive meals. You could probably check magazines out of the library also if you don't want to subscribe.
Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches
Our family is complete!