She is significantly delayed in speech which I kinda knew but the rest is what threw me for a loop.
Here's what the developmental pedi wrote that were his concerns:
Michelle is not as flexible in her thinking and learning as one would expect for her age. Her ability to sustain attention and learn productively from her play is delayed. Her speech an dlanguage is not that of a child her age. She has some early repetitive sounds. She has a restricted eating pattern and sensitivies to textures on her hands and mouth.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Developmental language Disorder
Attention variation.
Basically Michelle thinks and acts like an 18 month old instead of a 2 yr old. The pedi said its definitely not autism which never really crossed my mind at all. He also said he is seeing some Tourrette's Syndrome tendencies in her but its too early to tell and it could be more along the lines of OCD. There's more to it all but thats the gist of it all and my mind is in a jumble right now.
She is going to be getting alot services from EI. Speech therapy, pyschologist, physical therapist, and behavioral therapist...I know there's more but I cant remember. We didnt get the written plan of action yet...but should get it by the end of tomorrow.
I knew there were gonna be some issues but I didnt think it would be this bad. I'm kinda numb but I keep saying to myself over & over what the pedi said....its all fixable and managable.
Re: back from EI core evaluation....its worst than I thought. Kinda long.
At least you know what is going on now, and it is treatable. ?
ditto all of that. BIG hugs!!!
Wow...that must be a lot to take in!
I missed the OPs about this but glad you (she) are getting the help that is needed.
I am afraid of what they would say about my kid! My DD I would definitely describe as having "a restricted eating pattern and sensitivies to textures on her hands and mouth."
It sounds like they feel like they can do a lot to help her, so that is good.
Where does the OCD disorder diagnosis come from? I would not think that a girl who can smile with that much ice cream on her face could be seriously OCD :-)
I am sorry you have to go through this. It is frustrating. DD has different problems, mostly related to food and weight. I hate the stupid "diagnosises" especially "failure to thrive" they keep slapping her with.
I'm sorry. That is a lot of info to take in, for sure. Everything will work out for the best and it sounds like you'll get a lot of support and resources for Michelle.
That's all very overwhelming. Take a few days to let it sink in and keep reminding yourself that it's good that you are getting it taken care of this early! Good luck and go give your DD a big hug!
Liam is 5!
AWD....I didnt think you were snarky...I honestly would have thought the same thing. I've been talking to our own pedi and the developmental pedi about certain behaviors that she had. This has been ongoing for awhile and I honestly chalked it up to just her being quirky.
I'm hoping that all the different people who are gonna work with Michelle can put things in a better perspective for us and not make things sound much worst than it is.
?fixable and managable
Honestly that is one of the best things a mom can hear.?
I know you know this but it helped me to hear it when Julia was diagnosed. ?This diagnosis only means that everyone now knows the best way to help Michelle. ?This doesn't change who Michelle is. ?She's still the awesome, sweet, little girl with a big attitude. ? ?
At least you know now what is going on and you can move forward.
Can I ask how old she is and how much she talks???
BIG huge hugs. Ditto what most said, it's a lot to take in but once the shock wears off, you'll be ok.
Wow, that's so much to handle so quickly. But as everyone has already written, it is fixable and managable. It sounds like your pedi is on top of things and hopefully you will get a good team to help work with her.
Hang in there.
Ditto to what Dande said. She is still the same little girl, now you know what is going and and how to help her. I know it must still be hard. We all hope our kids are perfectly healthy in every aspect and to have something be wrong/different is hard to deal with, handle, accept.
Good Luck and I hope it all works out and you can start with the therapy.