DS has one 20 minute recess outside on the playground. Followed by a 20 minute lunch. I don't know what the rest of the day's schedule looks like. School hasn't started yet, and they haven't really given us that run down. Since it is such a long day (9 am-4 pm), I suspect there's indoor quiet time of some sort, but I was kind of surprised at only one, 20 minute outdoor recess. When I was in school, we had a 15 minute AM recess, 30 minutes after lunch, and 15 min. PM.
What's recess like for your kindergartener?
Re: How many/how long are you kindergartener's recesses?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
They have 45 minutes for lunch and recess, the lunchroom backs up to the playground so when they are done eating they can go out. They say usually kids spend 25 at lunch and 20 at recess. For the kindergartener's though (because they are so slow eating), more like 35-40 minutes for lunch and 5-10 for recess, but they said by the end of the year they are faster.
I wasn't happy with that, it's full day 9-3:30 and I think they need more break time. They do have PE 30 minutes 3x's a week, which I think is great.
This is my son's exact schedule....
9:00 to 9:15 unpack/announcements
9:15 to 9:45 skills block
9:45 to 10:30 readers' workshop
10:30 to 11:15 writers' workshop
11:15 to 11:45 lunch
11:45 to 12:15 recess
12:15 to 12:30 read aloud
12:30 to 1:25 math workshop
1:25 to 2:15 resource/science
2:15 to 2:45 snack/stations
2:45 to 3 dismissal
Because of NCLB and state laws, DD officially gets one 30 minute recess after lunch. She has lunch at 10:30. Oddly enough, she also gets a "fitness break" for 15 minutes earlier in the mornings (they start at 7:50) and they go outside to get said-fitness on the playground...just like a recess...but officially it's a fitness break. They also get 20-30 minutes of "rest and read" time in the afternoons that is mostly down time to sit quietly and read or lay down on their towels. I can't imagine any 5 year old being able to sit still all day every day without a lot of breaks. I can't sit still all day without lots of breaks even as an adult. :-)
FWIW - DD's schedule is like this:
7:50-8 - Announcements/Unpack/Settle
8-9 - Calendar/Writer's Workshop/Language Arts
9-9:15 - fitness break (aka recess according to DD who tells me they go outside two times every day)
9:20-10:25 - Language Arts/Social Studies/Workstations
10:30-11 - lunch
11:05-11:35 - recess
11:40-12:40 - math
12:45 - 1:30 - Specials (Music, Art, Drama, PE or Technology)
1:30-2:00 - Science/rest and read
2:05-2:35 - free choice centers/snack/Pack up
2:40 - Dismiss