Anyone can tomatoes? Except in jars of course. I have read about tomatoes in cans being bad for you (something about the inside coating of the can), so I looked for jarred tomatoes at my Safeway and they didn't have them (I'm thinking whole, stewed, diced, whatever).
So anyone have a source for jarred tomatoes or do you can them yourself and how hard is that?
Re: Jarred tomatoes?
Wow, that is a labor of love. I bet they are delicious! Do you eat them all or do you also gift them?
Yeah that is what I figured. Whole Foods is like a 20 min drive for me, but there are some other specialty markets nearby so maybe I will look at those.
Because of new environmental regulations, the stuff that they used to line the cans has had to be removed/replaced. I remember hearing a whole hoopla about it up here probably a year or two ago...
In all practicality, I wouldn't worry too much about that in the grand scheme of life.
I've canned tomatoes when I was a kid and as one PP pointed out, it's a "Labor of Love" and the reason I don't have an issue with purchasing tomatoes in cans now that I'm older... Sure, they were really tasty, it's just that the work and sheer cost involved with canning your own food just isn't worth it.
It is not expensive to can at all. The tomatoes I can are $17 per bushel - that's 54 POUNDS of tomatoes in one bushel. The canner and accessories are maybe $30 (initial cost incurred) and the jars are about 80 cents each.
People think that it's expensive, but in reality, it's not.
It does take work, but then I have jarred tomatoes that last me an entire year. Well worth it for me and the taste is WAY better than the supermarket canned tomatoes........
Just my $0.02.
I could be mistaken, but I don't think that is true...
they still have BPA (and aluminum, for that matter)
But if I am wrong - link me up, I'd love to know!
Here in Minnesota BPA is actually banned completely from being used/sold in plastics or lining cans, so it cannot be used in cans/jars - that's what it was (I remember the legislature arguing this and one party ramming it down the throats of everyone and later used as a back-room deal compromise item)... It's a royal PITA now when it comes to buying water bottles that will hold up to being put in the dishwasher that aren't metal...
As for the cost of canning - I just bought the setup to make jam/jelly this summer - it was over $150 I spent on just the jars/lids/supplies/and water bath canner... That was without the money I spent on the strawberries, unsweetened fruit juice, and pectin... Granted, that jam is super good, and I've now got the initial investment done, but not worth the money in the grand scheme of things...
Very interesting...I don't think TX has bought into that plan, but I am certainly going to check that out.
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