Am I the only delusional one who didnt find the sleep deprivation to be THAT hard? I always considered myself to have "easy" kids, even when they weren't sleeping well at night.
During pregnancy, I actually slept worse than I did with a newborn, so having a newborn was a welcome break. During pregnancy, I would wake up every night at 1am and be up for the rest of the night. At least with a newborn I'd get to sleep between feedings. I found pregnancy way harder than the first few months with a newborn.
Re: s/o newborns and sleep...
I was lucky- for me it was nothing a cup of hot tea couldn't fix and cold water on my face.
But I am used to VERY VERY little sleep- working tax season FT and going to school FT and studying doesn't allow for much sleep.
For the first 6 weeks when I was up every few hours it was super hard, but after that it was definitely manageable. Once I started getting that 4 hour block of sleep I felt 100x better about everything.
I guess I was lucky and slept pretty well when I was pregnant. I think even at the end I only woke up to pee once each night and other than having a hard time getting comfortable it wasn't too bad...
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
My DS did that-he'd be up every 1.5 hours and took 45 min to nurse. I actually found I got a ton more sleep nursing, since I'd fall asleep while he ate. When I had to switch to formula, that SUCKED. I'd actually have to get up, make the bottle, and stay up with him.
Same for me.
Both of my kids were great sleepers as infants..until they hit 6.5 months. Those teeth ruined all sleep here. I lived the first year backwards...twice now. haha. I would DIE without cosleeping though. I have no idea how people who have kids that wake up frequently don't cosleep.
Yeah, that didn't happen for me.
I was up from 3-5am almost every night towards the end of my pregnancy. I would have loved for that to be the case after DD was born.
DS was always awesome at sleeping, I didn't think he was hard to handle.
DD was an easy newborn. But the months 4 - 7 nearly killed me, she hardly ever slept unless I was holding her, and only for like 20 minutes at a time. I nearly had a mental breakdown from the lack of sleep. Ferber saved us.