Just writing my own to do list and marking things off. I like the flexibility of it and can do what I want to do when I want to do it. I don't do well with weekly routines. I need change.
I use Motivated Moms. It works pretty well for me. I don't follow every day exactly, but it keeps me on track overall. I like not having to think about what needs to be done. I'm good at taking instructions, usually.
Re: Cleaning "plans"
If I'm being honest, my FAVORITE is to just do whatever I feel like and then write it on a piece of paper and cross it off.
What is a little more productive is when I follow www.justmommies.com. I like that it is free and you have a whole month to fit in the big tasks.
I use just mommies too. It's really changed how I clean for the better.