DH and I have been a bit "off" lately. Between his odd work schedule, the random weekends that have been added to the work schedule last minute, looking at new jobs, the overtime, and the off evening/night hours that this project has brought we are all thrown a bit off. His birthday was Saturday and we had family time all day, but last night we had an AMAZING date night. MIL watched DS and DH and I got all dressed up, I felt great!
We only had the Jazz Lounge planned so the rest was just spontaneous. We got in the car and just started to drive and talk. We decided what looked good, ended up at a really cool outdoor burger place that had live music, it was kind of a random place to go since we were all dressed up and I swear it made it more fun because it really was all about just trying something new together without planning! We still had time so we walked to the bookstore and just sat together reading in silence on a couch. Finally we walked to this jazz lounge we wanted to try. It was amazing! Underground and very classy and dark. I got to sit with DH in a big comfy booth with candle light and just relax. We had way to much fun sharing new flavors of martini's and listen to live jazz and dancing!!! DH is big into jazz so he was so relaxed and having a blast, it was great not seeing him stressed. We also laughed and talked more then I remember us doing in a long time. Afterward we ended up stopping at a random food cart and having a taco and talking about stuff. It is CRAZY how different I feel now. I think date nights need to be a priority for DH and I....everything seems less stressful now!
Re: Had an amazing date night with DH..WOW
That is really really awesome.
And just like PPs said, date nights and time with DH are sooooo important. Im so happy you had such a wonderful time