We (meaning our house) are okay, but there is MAJOR flooding in the area. My friends have been evacuated. The river won't crest until Wednesday, the retaining wall by the river has failed.
It's a big mess. Power outages, flooded basements, trees everywhere....
Sor far, we have had no issues at all. My DH is over at OEM right now helping out - he got called in.........was there all last night too.......
We're praying for it to end soon with no more damage.
Thanks for asking!
Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
I was wondering the same thing...glad you asked Stacy...and glad ya'll are doing ok Harriet. Hopefully you won't be affected by the water rising wednesday either.
I don't think so. A few of my friends were evacuated and there are tons of road closings. I hope it's not bad on Wed.........crossing fingers.......
Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
Re: *Harriet*
We (meaning our house) are okay, but there is MAJOR flooding in the area. My friends have been evacuated. The river won't crest until Wednesday, the retaining wall by the river has failed.
It's a big mess. Power outages, flooded basements, trees everywhere....
Sor far, we have had no issues at all. My DH is over at OEM right now helping out - he got called in.........was there all last night too.......
We're praying for it to end soon with no more damage.
Thanks for asking!
Well- I am glad at least you are all doing ok-
We are having some pretty major flooding too- luckily not us in particular.
I don't think so. A few of my friends were evacuated and there are tons of road closings. I hope it's not bad on Wed.........crossing fingers.......