Hi Ladies,
I had the RE apt today and they did an ultrasound to look at my ovaries and check my "follies" and then a blood test. Of course the blood test will take some time but the ultrasound the doctor did. It was a vaginal and she told me that my ovaries are small and that she found 4"follies" on the right and counted 2 on the left. She said she is looking for 10 or higher. When I asked what that means she said that I shouldn't worry to much and wait to see what the blood test says. I am not sure how I feel about this RE. I picked her because of a good reputation and I "thought" a middle aged woman would get me. However, she did say to me..."well its expected at your age". I am going to have my new patient in a week or two and I am asking for one of the other doctors but if you can shed any light on what this means I would appreciate it. I was really hoping she would give me a bit of hope. I fell apart in the car thinking.... this could end before it starts.
Re: TTC after 35 experts.... can you explain "follies"
What day of your cycle are you on? She was talking about your AFC (antral follicle count), but it should ideally be done pre-ovulation to be most accurate. It's basically a sign of ovarian reserve. A 20-something woman might have an AFC of 20, while an average 40-something will have a much smaller number of follicles.
Here's a decent website that talks about AFC in some detail: https://www.advancedfertility.com/antralfollicles.htm
Your number is a bit low, but it's tied to age and has to be read in conjunction with your AMH, FSH, and E2 levels. It all factors into how likely you are to respond to stims at all, and what kind of response you will get. My AFC has only been 4-5 on my u/s, which is low for my age (approaching 37).
This site has a lot of good info about ovarian reserve testing: https://www.advancedfertility.com/ovarian-reserve.htm
I knew I could count on you! I will check out the site. I was on day 3 of my period. I feel better now.
Thanks again you are AMAZING!!!
DH 45 ME 44
TTC #3 since 7/11 using OPK's and trying to figure out Fertility Friend! LOL
DS #1 born on 7/20/87 DS#2 born on 1/19/96
PAIF/SAIF welcome
OMG, you guys. If you get fan club t-shirts made, I'm going to be a little creeped out
Seriously, I have lots of time on my hands since I'm not working right now, so I have done WAY TOO MUCH research on this stuff!
Too late! I've already ordered them!
I had 't thought of t-shirts! great idea!
DH 45 ME 44
TTC #3 since 7/11 using OPK's and trying to figure out Fertility Friend! LOL
DS #1 born on 7/20/87 DS#2 born on 1/19/96
PAIF/SAIF welcome