Chase is a full time walker- and has been for the last month.Definitely makes life much more... umm interesting.
Late yesterday afternoon- he was playing in his room and I was sorting laundry in the hallway- well within eye shot of him.
When I went to put him down for bed- I couldn't find his monitor. The part that stays in his room. Took me more than an hour to find. Definitely what I felt like doing last night.
Where was it, you ask?
Where else would it be.
Inside the diaper champ. Along with a few toys.
I am NOT ready for toddlerhood.
Re: Where else to look?
My DS threw a phone handset in the toilet when he started walking. He was probably out of my eyesight for no more than 3 minutes. I was really careful about keeping him out of the bathroom when he became mobile, but his sisters opened the bathroom door so they could brush their teeth.
And this is why we're stopping at 3 kids. (One of the reasons at least.) I cannot go through toddlerhood again!
LOL! Glad you found it.
We lost Rowan's lovey last night before bed. It was a disaster until we found it. But you definitely have to channel your inner toddler
lol- go figure. The hamper.
I wonder what happens to these little boys from the time they actually throw things IN the hamper- to adulthood- when you CANT get them to throw things in it.
The very first place I look? My drink shaker! DD#2 has 3 small bears she just LOVES. Two of them went missing last summer for 2 months. After a day at the amusement park, I decided to have a margarita (my SIL and I had been talking about them) and went to get my shaker from under our bar downstairs. Opened it up to find two small bears!
For being little kids they sure are clever in their hiding places, lol.
Oh no! Ha ha.
Travis still isn't walking, but I'm sort of looking forward to it and yet I have a feeling it's going to be insane? I know, doesn't make sense. I just get tired of the hanging off my shorts routine.
Hang in there mama.