Stay at Home Moms

Planning your day??

So do you plan your day on what needs to be cleaned, what errands need to be done, or what fun places you need to go?

I am the current president of our Moms Club chapter.  We typically attend 1-3 Moms Club events per week (park days, zoo days, walking, etc).  I always plan my days on where we are going in the mornings - then during nap/quiet time I do necessities.  I do not neglect my house, it is typically clean - though maybe messy due to toys.

What is your thought?

Re: Planning your day??

  • I'm terrible with this, but I tend to plan my day by what activities we want to do.  For instance, I know I want to get DD to the pool club this afternoon (post nap), so I'm spending the morning cleaning/doing laundry so right after nap time we can get our sunblock on and go.  
  • I plan my week not my days necessarily and they are planned around the events that are set in stone (appointments, play dates, etc.).  My days are pretty flexible otherwise.  If I know we are going to the zoo one day this week then I will plan on going to the craft store and doing any other shopping that needs to be done that same day since they are all in the same area.  If we don't have any concrete plans for the day then I schedule more bigger project cleaning for that day. 
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  • I've recently gotten into the website where it gives you a monthly/daily/weekly plan to get things done.  I use it and feel like I'm not neglecting any cleaning which I'm apt to do.  

    As far as errands/fun things I just plan those out on Sunday.  I know Tues/Thurs is school for Parker and Wednesday we visit my memere so it's really only a Monday or Friday we're able to do extra "fun" stuff. 

  • I usually plan around the fun stuff, but I am working on establishing a more consistent plan.
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  • imagektsnshn:
    I usually plan around the fun stuff, but I am working on establishing a more consistent plan.

    I think our plan is fun stuff before lunch, then home and nap/quiet time.

  • I plan based on how my moods match up with the pressing items on the to do list and the social/work obligations I can't dismiss.  The cleaning is last on the gets done, my house is clean-ish and well kempt, but it is rarely the priority of my day.   
  • I determine what things need to be done weekly instead of scheduling my days. This allows us to be flexible but still get everything done. I have been known to clean everything on one day isntead of breaking it up.
  • imageEnglishMajor03:

    I've recently gotten into the website where it gives you a monthly/daily/weekly plan to get things done.  I use it and feel like I'm not neglecting any cleaning which I'm apt to do.  

    As far as errands/fun things I just plan those out on Sunday.  I know Tues/Thurs is school for Parker and Wednesday we visit my memere so it's really only a Monday or Friday we're able to do extra "fun" stuff. 

    This! I just found this website- it has been a godsend for me. I have recently become a SAHM and this has helped me not only with my home, but on an emotional level as well. It gives me 'goals' for the day, which is what I totally needed.

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