and converted to a SAHM, so I thought I would check this board out. Hi:) Also, do you mind showing me your schedule? I feel like I'm not giving my daughter enough stimulation.
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We don't have a strict schedule, but generally we go out after breakfast - shopping, park, pool, play date, etc. Then home for lunch and nap until about 3. Then we play outside, visit family/friends, maybe swim or go to the park. Before nap and bedtime we snuggle and read books. At this age, most of our stimulation/teaching is while we're out doing stuff (Look M, that's a cat. Isn't that a pretty flower - smell it, that kind of thing)
Rainy days we listen to baby rhymes and music, go to story time or just hang out in the children's area at the library, indoor play areas or the mall.She also likes to hang out in the kitchen with me and have a snack while I cook meals.
I do put on one show for her first thing in the morning so I can have my coffee and feel human...
Welcome to the board!! Don't forget to check out your local public library for free storytime. It's a great way to get out of the house, it's free, and you can meet other mom's your child's age.
Our schedule is pretty basic and super flexible. I have a 20 month old and a 2 month old.
I wake up about an hour before DD#1 to nurse DD#2, shower, eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee which is about 6. Once DD#1 gets up she eats, gets dressed, and gets ready for the day (hair, teeth, etc.) We do this every day even when we aren't planning on going anywhere. Our play dates are normally around ten and last until lunch. Nap is from 12:30 until 2:30. After nap we play inside/outside depending on weather. Recently we started doing more academic play in the afternoon since DD is really using a lot of language (just basic color, letter. number stuff with puzzles or other toys). Around 4:30 I start dinner and DD either helps me or I will put on a show for her (she watches up to an hour a day). Then we do dinner, clean-up, and bath starting around 6. DD#2 is normally in bed by 7:30-8.
These three days we always do the same thing:
Monday is library day, Tuesday is park day, Thursday is Farmer's Market and picnic at the park.
My day starts at 8:30 a.m. every morning. DS is in bed by 9:00 p.m. We go for walks, play, swim, go to mall, do crafts, watch T.V. Just depends on the day. =]
I don't have any good advice for you, but I'm sorry to hear about your job. I was laid off a month ago at 6 months pregnant and it throws you for a loop, doesn't it?
That's ultimately how I ended up a SAHM... Lost my job, DH worked for the same company, and it just made more sense with the drama happening there that DH be allowed to have a flexible schedule when it came to home-life matters as well. I also ended up putting my business' on hold because of that same drama.
The thing is, it takes a while to get used to it all. There will come a time when you realize that you're busier now than you ever were before with work. Especially when your LO starts walking/talking/climbing/getting curious... Then when they go off to school you're going to realize that the 8 hours you just picked up is just about enough to get caught back up on the 3-trillion things you haven't been able to do for a few years.
Also, one of the best things you can do for your child is teach them to be an independent player such that they know how to entertain themselves. You cannot be the source of their entertainment all the time. You have to be able to do projects for you too (dishes, clothes, shower, etc.)... The best thing is to set a routine schedule that works for your life (start with meal times). The only set thing in our schedule is that I get to the gym between a set time (I train with a group 3x/week, so I train the other 2 days at the same time to keep the routine), then come home, eat, get ready for bed, snack, off to sleepy land..
Re: I recently lost my job
I'm supposed to have a schedule???
Oh, and welcome.
I don't know, I'm new! Thanks for the welcome. I'm actually busier at home than I was at work all day. My baby is more demanding than my boss, lol.
We don't have a strict schedule, but generally we go out after breakfast - shopping, park, pool, play date, etc. Then home for lunch and nap until about 3. Then we play outside, visit family/friends, maybe swim or go to the park. Before nap and bedtime we snuggle and read books. At this age, most of our stimulation/teaching is while we're out doing stuff (Look M, that's a cat. Isn't that a pretty flower - smell it, that kind of thing)
Rainy days we listen to baby rhymes and music, go to story time or just hang out in the children's area at the library, indoor play areas or the mall.She also likes to hang out in the kitchen with me and have a snack while I cook meals.
I do put on one show for her first thing in the morning so I can have my coffee and feel human...
Welcome to the board!!!
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
Hi and welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your job.
Here's what a typical day for us looks like:
6:30 DD2 wakes up to eat
7:00 DD1 wakes up
7:30 Breakfast/Shower/Get everyone dressed
9:00 Make beds/load dishwasher/throw in a load of laundry
9:30 Morning activity (library, running errands, beach, children's museum, zoo, etc.)/DD2 eats
12:00 Lunch
12:30 DD1 naps/DD2 eats
3:00 DD1 wakes up from nap and plays independantly while I clean
3:30 DD2 eats
5:00 Start making dinner
6:00 Dinner
6:30 DD2 eats
7:00 Bath for both girls (every other night) and bedtime routine
8:00 Bedtime
Our schedule is pretty basic and super flexible. I have a 20 month old and a 2 month old.
I wake up about an hour before DD#1 to nurse DD#2, shower, eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee which is about 6. Once DD#1 gets up she eats, gets dressed, and gets ready for the day (hair, teeth, etc.) We do this every day even when we aren't planning on going anywhere. Our play dates are normally around ten and last until lunch. Nap is from 12:30 until 2:30. After nap we play inside/outside depending on weather. Recently we started doing more academic play in the afternoon since DD is really using a lot of language (just basic color, letter. number stuff with puzzles or other toys). Around 4:30 I start dinner and DD either helps me or I will put on a show for her (she watches up to an hour a day). Then we do dinner, clean-up, and bath starting around 6. DD#2 is normally in bed by 7:30-8.
These three days we always do the same thing:
Monday is library day, Tuesday is park day, Thursday is Farmer's Market and picnic at the park.
Have Fun!
Eleanor 9.30.13
Hello and welcome!
My day starts at 8:30 a.m. every morning. DS is in bed by 9:00 p.m. We go for walks, play, swim, go to mall, do crafts, watch T.V. Just depends on the day. =]
That's ultimately how I ended up a SAHM... Lost my job, DH worked for the same company, and it just made more sense with the drama happening there that DH be allowed to have a flexible schedule when it came to home-life matters as well. I also ended up putting my business' on hold because of that same drama.
The thing is, it takes a while to get used to it all. There will come a time when you realize that you're busier now than you ever were before with work. Especially when your LO starts walking/talking/climbing/getting curious... Then when they go off to school you're going to realize that the 8 hours you just picked up is just about enough to get caught back up on the 3-trillion things you haven't been able to do for a few years.
Also, one of the best things you can do for your child is teach them to be an independent player such that they know how to entertain themselves. You cannot be the source of their entertainment all the time. You have to be able to do projects for you too (dishes, clothes, shower, etc.)... The best thing is to set a routine schedule that works for your life (start with meal times). The only set thing in our schedule is that I get to the gym between a set time (I train with a group 3x/week, so I train the other 2 days at the same time to keep the routine), then come home, eat, get ready for bed, snack, off to sleepy land..