Stay at Home Moms

Checking in (if anyone remembers me )

Hi All,

It has been several months since I have gone back to work and checked in with the board.

Going back to work has been such a transition for me. There are certain aspects I like (using my skills at customer service, making new friends and contacts, socialization) and a lot of things I miss from being at home (namely being with my girl all day and having my own schedule).

My husband also went back to work. Our hours are a little crazy. He basically works every day 2am - 2pm and picks Pearl up from daycare and takes care of her until I get home. My hours are 10am - 7pm M, T, W, F and 12-6 Sat. Thursday is my day off and I spend it with Pearl :) (of course, my favorite day of the week).

 Not much is getting done at home and I haven't read as much, but I am back in the grind. (More out of necessity that want).

Re: Checking in (if anyone remembers me )

  • Hey there- was thinking about you both not that long ago!

    Glad things are getting in to a groove. That is awesome you have Thursdays off to hang with Pearl!

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Stacy,

    I cannot believe how big your kids are getting! Oh my!!

    Since we went back to work, Pearl has been having some urinary issues.. such as holding her pee, having some accidents, etc. I think mostly psychological, but I am going to take her to the pedi to make sure nothing more.

    But, she likes her "school".. it is a montessori school that is literally 5 blocks away up the street.

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  • Thanks- time is flying by as you I am sure know!

    Aww poor Pearl- hopefully everything will check out just fine. Sometimes Gisele does the same thing- holds it because she is having a lot of fun. And I have to remind her a couple of times (which i dont usually have to do) especiall if we are out at a museum or playground or such.

    Glad she likes school! Very happy for you both!

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Hi!

    So glad to hear everything is going okay.  Hope to see you around a little more! 

  • Hi.  I remember you.  That's nice that your H can pick her up and spend time with her before you get home and that you can be with her on Thursdays.  Glad things are going relatively well.
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