Stay at Home Moms

Anyone else get TTC cold feet??

So, DH and I have planned on TTCing this month for a long time. DS was a surprise so I was excited to actually get to "try" for a baby this time. Now that the time is getting close, I'm getting REALLY nervous. I can't believe I'm feeling this way. I'm just starting to think, can I handle it all? Morning sickness? Sleepless nights? AGAIN? I feel like I'm totally over thinking all of this. Tell me I'm not the only one to do this.

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Re: Anyone else get TTC cold feet??

  • When we got to our first "set" date, I got cold feet as did DH and we postponed.  Now, we are more than ready and are having some difficulty (a miscarriage, and back to back fertilized eggs that aren't implanting/staying implanted)  

    Life is so dang unpredictable and out of our control no matter how much we don't want to believe that - and by "we," I mean ME 

  • It's totally natural to feel nervous.  When we started trying for our second and I knew I wanted another but I was so scared too of what life would be like with a new baby in the house.  My first child was a horrible sleeper so I was sleep deprived for sooooo long and I feared having to go through that again.  Also all the other unknowns, how difficult would it be to take care of 2, would my firstborn feel left out, will I have time to spend with the older child, will I be able to do all the things that we do now..etc.    Then when I missed my period(4 cycles later) I was so scared to test that I waited a whole 2 weeks of being late before I had the guts to test.  But everything worked out great!! 

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  • I had major issues feeling "ready" for a second, hence the large gap in my girls. My grandma and mom died 4 days apart when my DD1 was 2 weeks old, so I had this crazy anxiety over newborn stage again since I really don't remember DD1 that age at all. It's all worked out. But when ttc and then again when I got bfp I had some major "what if" anxiety. MH is an only too so he didn't understand why we needed a second.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • I have the same issues, I think it's pretty normal.

    For me at least, it took us 2 years to get pregnant the first time, I wasn't a huge fan of "newborn stage", and having a baby really put a strain on my marriage because I am NUTS during pregnancy and the first 6 months after birth.  So DH and I have had several long serious talks about it.  Our plan right now is to start TTC again next spring, but...we'll see.  I don't know how I'll feel as it gets closer.  Also my DD has been kind of crazy lately, so her attitude will need to majorly improve for me to have another baby, lol...

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  • You are not alone. After much discussion, we thought we were ready, and I am in the 2WW now--1st month TTC #2 and plan to test this weekend. I am so nervous about it being positive! 
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  • I overthought it too.  In fact, we got to the month that we marked for TTC and we did.  And THEN I panicked and of course got a BFP that month-- and panicked for a few more days before I settled in to it:-)  What happens, happens and it turned out perfectly for us.  I totally get where you are coming from, though.
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  • It's pretty cool that while in most of these stories the pregnancies happened outside of the "ideal plan"  - the moms all describe their individual unexpected situations as good or perfect!  

    That's greatness.  

  • I did.  Both Rowan and Parker were surprises.  In fact we were supposed to start last month and I chickened out.  But this month it's better and we're really every other day for the last week.  :D

    I'm glad there are others who feel similar.  I thought I was the only one. 

  • We are about to TTC. I had no worries about TTC the first two times I got pregnant, but now I am nervous about TTC . I worry about having another loss or that it will take a while for us to get pregnant. Then I will probably worry about the sleepless nights and having trouble nursing again. Oh, the joys!
    BFP#1 7/09 DS born 3/30/10 BFP#2 5/11 M/C 6/11 BFP#3 9/11 M/C 10/11 BFP #4 5/20/12 Pregnancy Ticker
  • It took us almost 2 years to concieve DS so imagine my surprise when at x-mas I got really sick after 1 glass of wine.  Oh and I had just stopped BF at thanksgiving. Now here I am with a 14 month old 38 weeks pregnant and freaking out that I am forgeting something from the newborn stage and worried that I am going to go into labor and not be ready........not sure that there is any good way to get over TTC anxiety!

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  • Yes!  In fact for 3 years I've been adament that we are One and Done.  However, I recently changed my mind and pulled the BC (with DH's consent, of course).  We will see how it goes.  If it doesn't happen I won't be devastated but think I am finally ready for another one.
  • Sort of.  We were originally going to wait until my son was closer to 2 to start trying again - but when he was about 10 months old we decided to take a 'see what happens' approach because it took me 9 months to get pregnant with him and I was nervous about it taking that long again and having too big of a gap between kids...and my son was showing such an interest in other kids that I thought it would be nice for him to have a sibling sooner rather than later.

    Well, I got pregnant on my second cycle - and although I was happy and excited about having another baby, I was also super nervous about not being ready.  I was so worried about how DS would handle it, if he would be ready, if I would be ready, etc - they would have been 20 months apart and we really hadn't thought enough about the logistics of having 2 under 2.  Just when I started to get comfortable with the idea of having another baby, we found out that I had a missed miscarriage. 

    Although I am devastated about losing the baby and part of me wants to start trying again right away, I understand now that we need to wait a bit longer to start TTC again.  And in the meantime, I'm trying to really make the most of the time I have just me and DS :) 

    I think maybe in December or January - if we did conceive again right away, that would put DS closer to 2.5 and I think I'll be more comfortable having another baby by then.  But I am still nervous about it, especially the pregnancy part and the possibility of miscarrying again.
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  • imageKateB1984:

    Not when TTC, but everytime I get a BFP I spend about 12 hours being excited and then about 48 hours feeling sick to my stomach and wondering WTF I was thinking.

    When you get pregnant, you'll have 9 months to get used to the idea. It'll be fine!

    hahaha I love this!

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  • Thank you so much for all of the responses. I feel so much better knowing I'm not hte only one

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