I am feeling a bit down today when it comes to being a mom of a preemie. I understand that I will have to "adjust" her according to milestones but it just seems like its taking forever. My daughter was born at 29 wks and 5 days and will be 3 months this week and considered only 3 weeks old adjusted. She has never made and held eye contact with me for a long period of time and I just wanted to know when you saw this in your baby.
She is also dealing with reflux and we just started her on Prevacid and so she is not a happy baby right now. I can not seem to get the medication in her and not stuck in what ever I'm givining it in because of the way it breaks down. So intil we get this reflux under control I guess I won't see any smiles? Please help if you have any advice on milestones in an adjusted 3 wk who's a 3 mth old.
Re: Milestones
This exactly! I had those same exact feelings myself just a week or two ago. My DS will be 3 months next week so I completely understand. Hang in there sweetie!
I agree with PP's - at three weeks it's just eating, sleeping, diapers, and sleepy smiles. It's strange because you feel as though you've had them for so long that they should be doing more. DS was def not tracking me with his eyes then! He'd see me if I was close because I have pale skin and black hair (he'd focus on my hair) - we're all just black, white, and grey shadows.
Many LO's on this board have reflux - mine included - it has not hindered his smiling any My heart burst with joy the day he looked at me and smiled. It'll happen! When I get in these moods I remind myself that he'll be grasping and rolling over in no time...patience. It might sound silly but I also savor the extra time I've had. I'd give it up to have him come out on his DD with no NICU but if it had to be this way, well...you know
My 29week 7 day preemie just turned 1!! Since he spent 7 weeks in the nicu, I have always felt that when he came home he was actually just born. So, I rarely felt like he was "behind" although he totaly is... For instance, the week after his first birthday he finally started to army crawl. We still read back to his GA, and check in on what he is "supposed" to be doing. Sometimes he still isn't even doing that!! I hope that one day he will just catch up and it will really feel like he's as old as he is. But until then, Enjoy your miracle...patience is the key.