Reading the post below about kal-el, where OP mentioned that her family thinks her DH should get naming rights, made me think about couples I know where for various reasons one of them has had naming rights.
I know couples who have taken turns at naming successive children, couples who have one who has a strong "claim" on a family name they insist on using, couples where one has backed out of decision making to keep the peace because the other partner is being so strong-willed.
DH and I have always taken the approach of we both need to agree, which needless to say has created disagreement and debate.
So who decides in your family?
Re: S/O who is deciding your baby's name?
Started fertility treatments 11/2010
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
6 failed medicated IUI's
Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
Decided to adopt - 6/2012
SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012
Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
Decided to be "One and Done"
....OR NOT.
Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
Here we go again...
Due 8/26/19!
This is how we will do it. P.S. I love 'Danger'!
It totally perplexes many people think they have sole naming rights.
My good friend told me "I get to choose the name because I just know more about babies. It's not like I would tell DH what parts to buy for our cars".
...Seriously. And for the record, her favorite name is Isabelle and his favorite is Emma. So it's not like they even have radically different naming styles. And he's no slouch when it come to baby names.
This. DH came up with DD's name, but we both agreed to it.
Me either. We both just throw names out there and then say what we have to say about them. We don't plan on naming any babies with names we don't 100% agree on.
Definitely should be joint. I just think no one should be able to say No without a reason. There should be a lot of give and take.
Luckily, H and I had decided on names before we got married and they are family names we both happen to love. It's a definite lucky coincidence.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
When DH and I were figuring out names for DS, we had to like the names that each of us picked. If not, it got the axe.
I picked the FN for a boy and DH picked the MN.
DH picked the FN for a girl and I picked the MN.
We plan to do the same for baby numero dos.
My friend refused to budge on the girl name that she wanted. She DEMANDED that if it was a girl, she got to use the name. Her husband was not a fan of the name but said that was fine if he got to pick the boy name, she had it in her mind that she was having a girl so it didn't matter. Well it was a boy, and he got full naming rights....luckily he didn't pick anything crazy "Wyatt"....but she learned her lesson when kid #2 came around to not demand like the did the first time.
My other friend made a list of names for a boy and girl with her husband. There was a girl name that she really wanted and loved (but he did not really love any of them. He liked them, just didn't LOVE them). She felt the same way about the boys names.....liked them, but did not have one that she really loved. So they narrowed both lists down to 3 names for a girl and 3 names for a boy and if it was a girl, she got to pick the name she wanted. If it is was a boy, he got to pick the name he wanted (as long as it was in the Top 3). They ended up with a boy and her husband named him one of the names. It worked out perfect for them because they both got a say in the Top 3 names.
SO and I agreed on the first name for a girl, but then he said I could pick the middle name. We had a name picked out but then recently decided that we don't want the baby to be named after anyone....we would rather her have her own name. So now we are trying to come up with a middle name. Most likely, I will end up making a list of middle names that I like and he will pick the one he likes from those. We have yet to come up with anything for a boy (we are Team Green).
DH told me while we were dating that when we have a girl he wants to use a certain name after his late mother and grandmother. Both are names I like so I have no issue with it.
Now that I'm pregnant and we're tossing around boy names (just in case), he is hung up on naming baby after himself (but call him TJ). I'm not a fan of Jrs. I have no problem with his name being part of the child's name, but I just don't want it to be THE name. So we're still working on our boy list.
In the end, we'll both agree to the name.
Totally agree