Stay at Home Moms

Craft ideas for mommy

I'm feeling a little blah lately and want to do something creative with my small amounts of spare time.  Does anybody have any suggestions for something crafty I can get into during nap time?  Any blog suggestions that feature crafts?
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Re: Craft ideas for mommy

  • Here are some of my favs  

    These always get my crafty brain wheels going.  Once you've decided on a project, google a tutorial and a lot of blogs will pop up.  Stitch magazine has good articles if you are into sewing.

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  • I don't have a blog suggestion for you but what about scrap booking?
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  • imagedotty188:
    I don't have a blog suggestion for you but what about scrap booking?

    or a good old fashioned jigsaw puzzle? 

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  • Prudent is my very favorite. It is A blog hosted by two stay at home crafty moms. They feature all kinds of crafts.
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