DD#2 picked out Dora to watch this morning. After that was done I told DS he could chose something. DD didn't agree with that, even though she knows we take turns and it was DS's turn. She stomped her feet, frowned at me and said,
"Fine. I'm going to kick all of your a**es!"
Um, what? I was so stunned that I had to turn around so I wouldn't laugh and she'd see me. Where the heck did she learn that?! I calmly said, "Honey, we don't say a**es, we say butts." and left it at that.
Re: This one was a real gem...
That made me laugh.
Elliot likes to purposefully spill something then goes "awww damnit" Not sure where he learned that one from lol.
Oh wow, I'm sorry but I cannot stop laughing. That is hilarious.
One night, DS wouldn't go to sleep for me and DH didn't get off tell midnight. DS stayed up until midnight and when front door opened and he saw DH he goes, "Oh ***, night-night!"
DH and I were shocked.
Don't know where he learned that. LOL
To share mine....
Now, in our household we are VERY sarcastic. DS#1 is starting to pick up on that. I was telling DH about how my hip was hurting. Then I made a comment that I never had hip problems until I was pregnant with DS#1. I said, "Hey! You're the cause of this! I'm gonna put you in time out!" DS#1 said, "No! I don't want time-out. I'm gonna kick you in your face, and be mad at you" LOL!! He said it all with a smile. He knew were just joking back and forth :-) Then DH gave him a high-five, haha
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder