We have friends who have... an I-Pad for him, an I-Pad for her (the wife) and an I-Pad for their just turned 3-year old.
I suppose part of me is jealous because DH would like an I-Pad but we've both agreed to hold off on unnecessary purchases until we have debt paid off and have bought a home (should accomplish both around next fall!), BUT... I cannot imagine myself ever giving a 3-year old a $500 piece of technology.
Thoughts? Yes, I am totally judging here. Feel free to flame me, I'm leaving town anyway.
Re: S/O I-Pads (Warning - This is Judgey)
I'm judging you right now. What is your avatar doing? Holding baby socks? Do you know how offensive that could be to someone with IF issues?
Or to people with sock issues.
[Note how I left the opening and closing quotes and deleted some of the insides. Voila!]
I just can't do it. Way to point out my weaknesses. I'm going to go have scheduled crying time now.
Word - what do you care if my kid has one. Did you pay for it? Nope. she loves it and I love to run errands and listen to my own music in the car. I also let her use in restaurants and wen we travel.
Can I be judgy right along with you?
This drives me batty.
What happened to the days where kids played outside, ran around, and used their imagination to play instead of being parked in front of the newest gadget? My niece (4) has one of these and sits on the thing all.day.long. That is, when she's not parked in front of the TV.
I'm not a TV/computer nazi by any stretch, but I think that those types of gadgets babysits kids WAY too much. My kids play with balls and trucks and blocks. They will not be getting IPads at 3.
I don't necessarily judge those that have them (and can afford them) for their kids, but I do judge those that let their kids use them in public places where manners should come into play. For example, I lothe seeing kids play with ipads, DS, etc in restaurants. Your child (I don't care how young) should be able to sit at a table and interact with others. Obviously, if the option is between playing with an ipad and having a complete meltdown - go with the ipad. But do that too much, and those will be the only options.
This is what I see mostly with older kids. They are glued to their gaming system and don't interact with others. I think that's rude.
I judge for two reasons: 1)Those I know who supply the whole household with I-Pads later b*tch on FB (or at gatherings) about money being tight. Not my problem, I know, but spare me the boo-hoo story. 2) Meanwhile, their kids are ignoring everyone else because they are too involved with said I-Pads.
DD#1 spends loads of time on her phone (not a smartphone) and her Ipod Touch (that she paid for). I have no issue telling her to pack them away and be social when the time calls for it.
A friend showed her ipad to my 2.5 year old last weekend. She has some apps on it for her 2.7 year old daughter.
I have to say, I was amazed at how quickly he figured it out. Played his little games, got his little reward song at the end for doing whatever. Over the course of the weekend he spend maybe 40 minutes total on it.
We don't have any electronic things for our kids yet (2.5 years and 4.0 years) but sooner or later we will.
I don't judge for a family that has separate ipads for everyone.
Ha - this might be total sarcasm but I love this anyway!
We have one iPad for everyone in our house to share. But that is in addition to laptops, iPhones, etc so there are plenty of screens for everyone.
I limit the time the boys gets to spend on any of these items each day (I usually set a timer to avoid a fight when time is up). Two of the three boys will play for a while then walk away but DS#1 would seriously play all day if I let him. Not gonna happen.
DH is a tech kind of guy and I am less so but being comfortable with technology is important. I see no reason to wait until kids are older to expose them to these concepts.
I think this is the same argument that has been consistent across the years -toys with batteries (unnecessary and passive), video tapes at home (babysitters), DVD players in cars (doing anything possible to keep kids quiet), etc. All of these things are fine with me as long as they aren't used as a crutch.
BTW - I was one of those people who swore my kids would NEVER watch movies in the car. Now I can't imagine NOT having a DVD player in the car.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
I agree I don't see why a 3 yr old needs their own IPad.
Our friends have one and they just have stuff on it for their 4 yr old. It's funny watching him use it but he loves it and has videos, games, and books on it that keep him entertained.
This was my first thought too. I can't imagine my 3 y/o caring for a $500 piece of fragile equipment carefully. It's all I can do to make sure he doesn't damage his own body on a daily basis.
I think your situation is different than what the OP is referring to. There's a big difference between needing something to enable your LO to have the best quality of life possible and getting them a $500 toy.
Yup. I tell him to get toys for the bathtub (usually he picks out his superhero guys) and has already thrown in a few electronic things (cheap!) that no longer work as a result.
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
Amen!! We have 2 iPads, but one is not for our 3 year old. He does know how to use them and has access on exception basis only. (like when we were on a plane). I am very anti-gadgets for kids, my husband loves every gadget ever invented.
bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha. I speak three languages, have a double master's, have studied abroad in numerous countries and did not see a computer until I was 13. I went to a school where the walls and floors peeled and there were only 5 classrooms in the entire school. You are BEYOND bogus. Nice try though :-)
DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13
:-) Not quite
THANK GOD. I got sooooo worked up there for a second :-) All better now. I can sleep peacefully tonight.
My 21 month old has one.
Correction...I have one he jacked. It's a brilliant learning aide for a kid that young it really is. Although I wouldn't have bought him one. I'll glad share though.
My IN-LAWS are like those children and it drives me insane! And myMIL posted on f.book that she wishes all her grandchildren (7,4, and 2) had an ipad or iphone 4.
I have had to tell them MULTIPLE times not to buy this stuff for DD. They have craploads of $ to spend and it kills them not to buy it for DD. DH &I are just not tech-y people at all. (MIL wants to do the video chat w/ DD FYI.)
I "somewhat" agree with this. I don't mind seeing kids playing with this kind of stuff. And to be perfectly honest, if I'm out WITH my kids, I do NOT notice other people's kids and what they're doing. Unless your child is standing on my table peeing on me or screaming at me, I could care less what he/she is distracted with or doing at a table.
Most of the people that answered have young kids - you may change your tune when you get to that stage. I have 3 kids, and while I DO limit their TV time, game time on electronic devices, if it will keep them quiet and avoid a meltdown in a restaurant (we go out to eat a few times a week), I'll do it in a heartbeat.
Sometimes, you're at an event in a restaurant, catering hall, etc. that takes FOREVER. My attention span is only so long, forget about my kids. And yes, while I DO expect my kids to sit nicely and get through a meal, sometimes these types of events can take hours. That's a LOT for my kids to handle, and even worse, a LOT for me and DH to handle with the 3 of them. So, iPad, iPhone, electronic device it is.