I have been a sahm since March, and we are fairly laid back around here. We wake up when we get up, we eat when we eat, etc. So My daughter is starting school soon. I already figured what time we need to leave the house, I will start setting my alarm to wake early and get ready to go get two other LO around and get my DD ready for school. Do you have any good routines. I am thinking of getting everything ready the night before. Any other suggestions. Should I start doing the routine now? So it is a routine once we have to go to school?
Re: back to school routines.
Well, our oldest will do one more year of prek (4's this year) and he doesn't have to be there 'til 11:50-3pm. So we aren't in any rush in the mornings. However, lunches will be moved back up to 10:30am, because it wont be just DS1 & 2 anymore. We'll have LO #3 to add to the mix.
However, next year, he'll be in Kindergarden and school starts at 7:50am. I will have DH set an alarm for me at 6am to shower and dress for the day. The boys, i will give a bath the night before and just lay out their clothes for the next day. DS1 can dress himself, DS2 will be going to prek-4's, and DS3 will be home with me. I'll have enough time to make sure they have breakfast and we have time to get there. Then, pick up DS1&2 at 3pm. : )