We have a front loader. You through the wachine machine cleaner in it, let it run. When it's finished I wipe in between the rubber gasket and then wipe down the door. It's pretty gross what comes out of there. It also stops the mold issue and we live in New Orleans I need help with the mold issue here.
Put away a few loads of laundry Dishes/Counters Mail a few bills/pay a few online Vacuum living room and rooms Work from coffee shop 12-4:30ish Prep/Cook dinner Take DD to the park
Re: To-do's
How do you wash the washing machine? This seems like a really good idea...
Edit: This was not meant to be snarky, I'm serious.
Vacuum DONE
deep clean kitchen DONE
sort out three boxes in garage
read DONE
walk the dog
grocery store DONE
prepare dinner - went crazy and made lasagna, manicotti, and wild rice caserole for the freezer....DONE
Tidy up the house
Go through baby's clothes and DD's clothes; make a list of what I still need for DS; organize all the clothes
Stock DD's nursery
Add a few recipes to my cook book
Catch up on a few shows and relax for a while during DD's nap
Return bottles and cans
Go to the bank
Pick up a few groceries
Walking at the park
Wash a load of towels
Schedule dog grooming appt
Wash dishes
Prepare dinner
post office to send a return
sweep/mop kitchen
grab gift cards for bday party this weekend
nap when ds naps
town pool after nap
Grocery store (complete by 8:30 am!!)
Vacuum house
Get new Droids activated
Pick up pizza
Meet w/ church group
Grocery Shop
pack pool bags
make dinner
movies with mil and sil
Laundry- one load down
Sweep the hardwood floors- kitchen done so far
Park with the kids
Prepare dinner
Do some kind of exercise
Mail a few bills/pay a few online
Vacuum living room and rooms
Work from coffee shop 12-4:30ish
Prep/Cook dinner
Take DD to the park
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
Make beds-done
Pack cooler for day trip today-done
Unload/load dishwasher
1 load laundry-washing
Put away clean laundry
Fold laundry
Go to cemetery to visit my Dad-done
Go to playground-done
Go to lunch w/Mom-done
Pick up my prescription-done
Tidy house