There are just some days with Gisele- she is just FULL of zingers. All day long she had me laughing in stitches.
1. At nap time I was reading to her Where ever you are my love will find you and there was a part in the book that pretty much says the title- and I gave her a little squeeze and I patted her butt (she was sitting next to me) and she goes, 'Mommy, your love is in my BUTT?' ~
2. She was cooking at her kitchen set with Chase today- and she has her apron and hat on. She goes, 'Chase, now. I am in charge. I am wearing the apron. YOU are the sous chef go cook some vegetables.' ~ omg- I guess she was paying attention when i jokiningly mentioned the word sous chef to her 2 weeks ago (haven't said it since-) it was right after the night I was watching Hell's kitchen- and I jokingly mentioned it quickly to her that a sous chef helps.
3. We were playing make believe. She was the princess, Chase was the dragon, and I was the Prince. I said, 'Gisele, why can't Chase be the Prince?' ~ she quickly replies, 'Mommy, I like my princes Taller. And I like ones who don't eat their toes. That's gross... but he can be the dragon. He is a good dragon' ..... okkie dokkie.
4. We were at the playground and she met 5 new kids she was playing with- they were playing on the play structure and they were all playing pirates. The one kid who was about 5 was saying he was going to fall off the boat and fall in to the ocean. Gisele walked right up to him and said, 'Look be careful- because if you fall- there really isn't water down there and you will get hurt. I know we are playing pretend but. be careful, ok?' .... (and there was a time I was worried about her language skills)
All in all- it was a head spinning day as usual with her. This age is hysterical and exhausting and amazing to watch.
Re: Someone gave my 3yr old a crazy pill today
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
I was going to say, "in typical Gisele style" because it seems she has been that way since she was little! - It is cute.
Lol @ princes eating their toes...awesome. She's a funny kid:)