B got her MMR on Wednesday of last week. And since Thursday she's been CRABBY and miserable!! Is this typical, what were your experiences? She usually was pretty crabby after her shots but only for about a day or so, but nothing like this. She literally walked around crying this morning and nothing helped her. She's not feeling well b/c she isn't playing with her toys like she usually does and wants to be held all the time (she is usually not a snuggler). The doctor told me advil, well it's not helping. It's breaking my heart to see her like this and I can't do anything to help her.
Alright, thanks for letting me vent.
TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4
Re: MMR question