I'm a new mom but have been a SAH-Pg lady for almost my entire pregnancy. Before I was pregnant, I worked as a biologist at an aquarium, and what with the SCUBA diving with sharks (while pg, before I knew), working with venomous animals, chemical exposure, and electrical shock (yes, happened to me while pg, actually), it was far too dangerous to keep that job while pg.
I always wanted to be a SAHM but at first found myself struggling with what to do to keep myself busy. Once baby arrived, I no longer had to worry about that! And from reading other posts on this board, apparently this is nothin' compared to multiple children and the toddler phase!
DH and I would certainly like to try for more, but probably not for a year or so. I'd like to be just our family of three for a little while. I feel like we've finally gotten to a point where things are routine and we are back to being "us", just with a baby.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies better, and excited to join the SAHM Book Club!
Thanks for reading!
Re: Intro