So far today Bub has found a permanent black magic marker (from a childproof drawer) and proceeded to draw on the hardwood floors, stainless steel fridge, countertop, and lastly himself. This is within the span of less than one minuet (while I am in the bathroom). Then while I am cleaning up the marker-with one of those Magic Eraser sponges (love!). He looks at me, grabs the full dog bowl and pours in on the floor, laughs and dances on the spilled dog food. Then while I'm cleaning up that he runs into the other room, grabs my water bottle-unscrews it-and poors it on the floor. I have not even had time to have my coffee! Welcome to the terrible two's! It makes me look forward to returing to work PT next week!!!
Re: Let me tell you about my morning....
Thank you! Me too-I can't handle much more today!
Thank you! Me too-I can't handle much more today!