Upstate NY Babies

Big City Traveling-Strollers?

I know some of you have traveled to NYC and other big cities with LO's, what should we do about a stroller if we'll be taking the subway/metro for a lot of our transporation? We have a jogger and an umbrella stroller, but the umbrella stroller doesn't have a tray on it for her and other luxuries.

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Re: Big City Traveling-Strollers?

  • When we went to Philadelphia in May, we were able to borrow a Chicco Liteway which worked out amazing! (thank you thank you S!!) It is small and light like an umbrella, but it had the storage and shade we needed. We didn't need a tray at the time, so I don't know about that...
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  • We have always brought an umbrella stroller and even that doesn't fit through some of the subway stalls (you have to either lift it over or go through the handicap-accessible doors).  A lot of the subway stations don't have elevators either so you will be carrying the stroller down flights of stairs- definitely easier with an umbrella!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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  • We brought an umbrella stroller to NYC. Like K said, you have to carry it up and down the stairs so definitely don't want a big one.. I want to go back with both girls but i can't even fathom navigating the double stroller around the city..
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