Stay at Home Moms

22m old trick or treating?

My DS will be 22m in Oct and I was planning on just taking him to family houses again thise year in costume but at my inlaws this weekend- everyone thought DS would be old enough to go out and go door-to-door...

when did you take your child out in the neighborhood the first time?


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Re: 22m old trick or treating?

  • I took DD last year and she was 19 months.  She wasn't verbal yet, but she had a great time walking from house to house with her little bucket.
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  • DD toddled the neighborhood when she was 13 a big puffy purple flower.  She was clueless and had a blast.  At 25 months, she totally got it and loved it again.  She talked about it for 5 months.  
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  • I didn't take DS#1 out until his 2nd Halloween (so he was 15 months) and I just went with a friend who had older kids.  He could walk by then, but not well enough to keep up with the group, so I took him in his stroller.  I collected candy for him and we let him eat some.  I did take DS#2 out when he was just 4 months, with the same friend with older kids.  I didn't get a bag of candy for him though, and probably won't get one this year either because of how finicky he is with food (don't think he'd eat any of it).  On DS#1's 3rd halloween (so he was a few months after age 2) was the first one that he actually walked up to the houses and got his own candy, although he lagged a bit behind the older kids. 
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  • DD went last year when she had just turned two and she loved it. We had practiced "trick or treat" and "thank you", which she often got in the wrong order and made the neighbors think she was totally adorable. She made it probably to a dozen houses or so.
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  • We took DS at 8 months. Grandma B and I just pushed him the stroller and he went with his Auntie J and her friend Olivia. We split his candy between the two girls. 

    This year we will probably do the same.  

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  • We took DD to our neighbors when she was just shy of a year.

    Took her to our block and the next block just shy of 2 years. 

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  • imagesusanmosley:
    DD toddled the neighborhood when she was 13 a big puffy purple flower.  She was clueless and had a blast.  At 25 months, she totally got it and loved it again.  She talked about it for 5 months.  
    Wow DS will be 25 months this year. Now I can't wait!!
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  • We haven't taken DD door to door yet, probably will this year, she'll be 28 months old.
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  • Last year at a little over 2 yrs old he handled our cul-de-sac and some other houses on the back side of the neighborhood that we knew. I think he lasted for an hr and then was over it and he didn't need to collect more candy that we were going to eat anyway. I'd say do several houses maybe go for an hr and call it a day. 
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  • I took DD last year (she was 10 months) but we only went to 4 of our neighbors houses.  We went mostly to show off her Halloween costume.  I will take her this year around our HOA because it is small and I know most everyone.  We might not get too many places but DD loves attention so going door to door and getting lots of attention will be right up her alley.
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  • We took DS in the stroller with my niece last year at 7 months. There was no collecting of candy, but we enjoyed the walking along part. We will be taking him with her again this year at 19 months. I think he will have a blast.
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  • DS1 was 2 (He was Buzz Lightyear) when we took him door to door.  When he was one, we went to Como Zoo for their annual "Zoo Boo" as his first trick-or-treating experience.  It's a family friendly, non-scary, trick-or-treating for those with little ones. It was a blast!
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  • He was just over 20 months old.  He could say some sort of trick or treat and thank you and had a blast.  We went with his two cousins.  One who was 5 and the other who was just over 1 year.
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  • DD was 20 months last year.  She loved going door to door and totally got the concept.
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  • we took DS out last year at 6 months (the weather was very nice for once) and just went to our neighbors that we'd met already (6 houses) as a "hi, we just wanted to show off DS's costume" -no candy, but talked to all of our neighbors for maybe 5 min each.  
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