Upstate NY Babies

Trick or Treating for a 22m old?

We were at my inlaws this past weekend and I was saying that most likely I would just have L dressup and visit family houses like last year and everyone said I was crazy and that I (well DH, because i will have just given birth...)should take L out actually trick or treating in the neighborhood this year....

I dont think he'll get it- I mean he loves to knock on doors and stuff but I just dont think he's i being weird? 

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Re: Trick or Treating for a 22m old?

  • J was 23 months old last Halloween and LOVED going around the neighborhood. I say give it a go.
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  • We are taking B this year, and she'll be just shy of 19 months. But in all honesty, we are going to dress her up, take her to our 4 of our neighbors houses and down to my BIL and sisters house (5 houses away) and then back home. She's just a social butterfly and with all the kids in the neighborhood I think she'll like it, or hope she will anyway. I say try it.

    TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4

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  • DD was 16mos last halloween and I thought she'd be clueless. We took her to 1-2 houses and when we got home, she cried and ran to the door saying "more". Dh would take her to one more house then come back and she kept wanting to go! It was really funny! I think we did maybe 10 houses (it was cold and rainy out) but she loved it-I'm sure this year she'll be an addict!
  • Charlie's birthday is the day after Halloween so he was a tiny bit older, but he totally "got" trick or treating & LOVED it! I say give it a shot. If he isn't having fun then just go home :)
    Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
  • DD went trick or treating last year at 13 months and liked it.  She was a slower walker, so we took the wagon and let her walk just the porch part.  But we went with our neighbor's son who was 28 months old and they both enjoyed it.  The boy liked it a lot more than ellie just bc he understood he was getting stuff from people.  We will bring dd again this year and I think she will really like it.  She loves knocking on doors and also loves to be told how pretty/cute she is and the attention!
  • Eve was 20 months and was super into into it.. She totally got it.
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
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  • He may or may not get it.. and he certainly won't remember it later in life.. I mean if DH wants to take him out for the heck of it sure.. but I don't think I wen tout of my way to.  I certainly didn't want a bunch of candy.. we focused more on things like letting DD run around the pumpkin patch and go on hayrides at that age.
  • My kids would hate it. HATE. We may try just in case - but they won't "get" it at all. Most likely they would bury their heads in our shoulders and quite possible cry. Last year they went to music class all dressed up and did a little trick-or-treating there. If we had family around we would totally just do that. Since we don't we may invite a couple of friends with kids over, but that's it. Music class is too far for us now that we moved. I'm not a Halloween person anyway - and after 6 years of living in the city passing out candy to 18+ year olds not dressed up for fear of them breaking into our house if we said they were too old...well, that didn't help me get into it more :)

  • We took T last year at 15 months just to our 3 neighbors that we are close with on the street because we knew they would all want to see her! They thought it was adorable and T loved it too. So maybe even just do that....take him to just a couple houses of people you know well and see how it goes and then it he wanted to do more you could go further. Obviously last year T was way too young to have candy but they all were great and gave her things like cheerios and little marshmallows. This year I don't really want her to have candy either so we may limit the number of houses she does.  
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  • We took Eva at that age- just to our immediate neighbors so about 5 houses.  She could have cared less about the candy but she loved ringing doorbells.  Two of our neighbors had special treat bags set aside for her (with stuff other than candy- pencils, animal crackers, barrettes, stickers) so I was glad we took her.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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