Two Under 2

Anyone have "irish twins"?

My 2nd is due feb 4th. (which is 4 days after what DS's duedate was) I was induced with DS at 39 weeks due to PE so we ended up having him on the 25th of jan.

I will be shocked if the same thing happens and I am induced again. I am almost hoping they have the same bday ( I mean they are going to be mere weeks apart anyways so if they have the same one it would be cute)


Just wondering if anyone else had their LO's this close, or on the same day 1 year later.



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By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Anyone have "irish twins"?

  • I will be in the same boat.  Last October 2nd we had ds.  My due date with dd is October 11th of this year.  I have an incompetent cervix and they will be taking my stitch out at 36 weeks.  So IF I make it to 40 weeks they will be 1 year 1 week apart.  :p
  • Not quite that close, but my kids birthdays are only 22 days apart. It's a lot of fun and I love it. There are a few moms with LOs this close as well.

    Congrats and welcome! :)

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  • My first daughter was due 12/23 of last year, I was induced at 38.1 because of PE. This one is due 12/26 of this year!!!
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  • My DS was born 11/11/09 and DD was due 10/31/10, but came 9/7/10, so WAY Irish twins here!!
  • DS was born 12/24/10 and DD is due 12/26/11!  If things go the way they should, I will have "Christmas Irish Twins"! 
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  • imageSueAnn24:
    DS was born 12/24/10 and DD is due 12/26/11!  If things go the way they should, I will have "Christmas Irish Twins"! 


    Now that is cool!

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    By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DS was born 4/27 and my due date is most likely 4/12 and will be a rcs. 
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  • Mine had the same due date! DS1 was 6 days early and DS2 was 8 days early so they are 363 days apart. We had a party for ds1 the day after I got out of the hospital with DS2.
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  • I had DD#2 on 12/12 last year and DS's due date is 12/10. Although I am usually induced around 39 weeks due to GD/hypertension so we'll see.  :)
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  • DS#1 was due 9/14/09 and was born 9/22/09.  DS#2 was due 9/11/10 and was born 9/1/10.  They are 49 weeks apart. 
  • And technically they are in the same grade since our cutoff for kindergarten is September 1.  We will hold the second one back or more the first one ahead depending on their readiness.
  • 15 days apart here.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • DD #1 was due 9/19/10 and was born 9/12/10 and now DD #2 is due 8/28/11.  I will have Irish Twins very soon!
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  • DD was due 9/23/10 and born on 9/30/10 after 4 days of induction. This LO is due on 9/23/11 and is already dropped and in position at 33w5d, so who knows ..if hes born on time they'll be a year apart or less.
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  • so happy to see others in the same boat as me! 
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