My 2nd is due feb 4th. (which is 4 days after what DS's duedate was) I was induced with DS at 39 weeks due to PE so we ended up having him on the 25th of jan.
I will be shocked if the same thing happens and I am induced again. I am almost hoping they have the same bday ( I mean they are going to be mere weeks apart anyways so if they have the same one it would be cute)
Just wondering if anyone else had their LO's this close, or on the same day 1 year later.
Re: Anyone have "irish twins"?
Not quite that close, but my kids birthdays are only 22 days apart. It's a lot of fun and I love it. There are a few moms with LOs this close as well.
Congrats and welcome!
Now that is cool!
By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28
15 days apart here.