Stay at Home Moms

Committing to buying American?

Has anyone decided to buy American-made products as much as possible? Even though I don't feel I can make a huge difference in the economy at large, I can control what goes on in my own household. I'm thinking about committing to buying American. I have been reading some blogs this morning and it does seem like it will take some product research but I'm ok with that. I'm still going to have Australian wine and Belgium chocolate but for regular consumer goods, I'll try to find American. I know it can be more expensive but apparently not always-and quality may be better. I was thinking about using Etsy a lot more for gifts too. But before I do you know where diapers are made? That may need to be a cheater item. Thoughts about all of this?
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Re: Committing to buying American?

  • I have started this, and it does take a little research but can be done. I think it's a great idea! Our economy is going down the drain and every little bit can help. I would much rather support America with my hard earned money as opposed to other countries that HATE us!
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  • Does anyone know of any good children's clothing brands?
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  • Post your research/blogs. would love to investigate/learn more along with you


    And I have to ask- what kind of australian wine??? :)

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  • imageStacyc625:

     And I have to ask- what kind of australian wine??? :)

    oh the important things!! 

  • Nope. If I like it, I'll buy it regardless of where it comes from.  I really don't care.
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  • imagesusanmosley:

     And I have to ask- what kind of australian wine??? :)

    oh the important things!! 

    lol- hey I asked about the blogs too. lol :) I was just doing my due diligence and covering all research bases.

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  • interestingly enough- before i left on vacation- i was teaching a week long CPE class (continuing ed for accountants) on comparative taxation (international) and the issue of manufacturing and Asia came up. It was pretty interesting discussion-

    I am going to check to see if they uploaded the audio of the course yet.

    And I was just folding all of the kids clothes- and I checked the labels. 90% of theirs were china (gymboree, gap, jumping beans, oshgosh, carters)- also some egypt, cambodia, kenya. Not a thread from the USA

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  • This is one of the first blogs that came up and I just started in reading. This is just an idea I had this morning, not anything well-thought-out by me. I have been looking for children's clothing now. It is really difficult to find American! On, they have something called "mainstreet revolution" and all businesses that are part of it are American and American manufacturing. There are other clothing companies for children but they are small. It's hard to pay $15 for cotton cargo shorts that my children will destroy. I love good buys so this might be really difficult. I could make their clothes but that's not really helping any economy. Oh and shoes-really difficult to find. Oh I was thinking of Yellow Tail wine. Haha
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    Good buys with Made in USA is going to be hard to come by- so much of WHY was covered in my class. Mostly- OSHA related and legal issues related to cheap labor etc. 


    lol- yellow tail is one of my go to's. Have you had their reserve chardonnay?- quite tasty.

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  • JCMJCM member

    Great idea! I believe Bunny Hugs diapers are made in the USA.  Not sure if they're any good or not.



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  • imageStacyc625:

    Good buys with Made in USA is going to be hard to come by- so much of WHY was covered in my class. Mostly- OSHA related and legal issues related to cheap labor etc. 


    lol- yellow tail is one of my go to's. Have you had their reserve chardonnay?- quite tasty.

    Oh I'm totally having a few drinks tonight now :D 

  • It feels kinda sacreligious to post about foreign wine in a Made in USA post -LOL- I am going to make another post- because i have a few question for my fellow sippers. :)
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  • No.  I can't make a commitment to buying American.  We don't always make the best products, and therefore, I will continue to buy some products made elsewhere.

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  • This is a great idea, and something that I feel like I should be considering/doing. Thanks for the blog link!

    Sometimes there are so many different things I should be keeping track of to be a conscientious consumer/citizen/wife/mother that it makes my head spin. The cure may be yellow tail wine. :-)

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  • imageStacyc625:

    Good buys with Made in USA is going to be hard to come by- so much of WHY was covered in my class. Mostly- OSHA related and legal issues related to cheap labor etc. 


    lol- yellow tail is one of my go to's. Have you had their reserve chardonnay?- quite tasty.

    Oooh I'll have to pick up a bottle. Yellow tail is one of my go to's too because you can't go wrong. Thanks for the link. This is going to require some diligence for sure but I'm going to keep working at it. Some of LL bean stuff is American. My contact solution and antiperspirant is American. My moisturizer is not. :-(
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  • imageJessesGirl&MackenziesMom:

    This is a great idea, and something that I feel like I should be considering/doing. Thanks for the blog link!

    Sometimes there are so many different things I should be keeping track of to be a conscientious consumer/citizen/wife/mother that it makes my head spin. The cure may be yellow tail wine. :-)

    Lol at yellow tail being the cure. I know what you mean. I'm trying to pick just a few things to be aware of-not everything (like we are not going gluten free without anyone having celiac, ya know). But yeah there's a lot that it feels like we should be conscientious of but I'm not going to get all worked up about it.
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  • A friend of mine (and local Philly nestie) was featured on World News Tonight as part of their "Made In America" campaign.  It definitely inspired me to look at what I am buying more closely

    Here is the video

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  • imageeaglesfan700:

    A friend of mine (and local Philly nestie) was featured on World News Tonight as part of their "Made In America" campaign.  It definitely inspired me to look at what I am buying more closely

    Here is the video

    Great video! YAY for Seventh Generation and California Baby- those are two of my favorites. :-)

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  • I have a few thoughts on that issue. I do firmly believe that we are a global economy, and I don't ahve a problem with countries specializing in things that they are good at like coffee, chocolate, tea, and other items. For food items that can be grown locally we buy local. That has always been our first choice. For clothing, I buy used so I am not concerned with where it is made. For cleaning products I make my own excpet for dishwashing soap and laundry detergent where I use Seventh Generation. For jars for my canning, I do buy Ball which is made in the USA.
  • imageeaglesfan700:

    A friend of mine (and local Philly nestie) was featured on World News Tonight as part of their "Made In America" campaign.  It definitely inspired me to look at what I am buying more closely

    Here is the video


    Great video! I can totally switch to 7th generation diapers.  Also Mrs. Meyers!!! I'm already obsessed with their products.  

    I just saw on an ABC news video that if we all spend $64 per year more on American made products, we will together create 200,000 jobs per year.  $64 is not much.  We should all do this! 


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  • imagespiritenergy:
    I have a few thoughts on that issue. I do firmly believe that we are a global economy, and I don't ahve a problem with countries specializing in things that they are good at like coffee, chocolate, tea, and other items. For food items that can be grown locally we buy local. That has always been our first choice. For clothing, I buy used so I am not concerned with where it is made. For cleaning products I make my own excpet for dishwashing soap and laundry detergent where I use Seventh Generation. For jars for my canning, I do buy Ball which is made in the USA.
    I agree totally. Sounds like you are doing great. I feel like I could increase my awareness because I've never given this much thought. Agree about things from countries specializing too.
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  • No.  I don't have a problem buying products made in other countries.
  • imagelujain:
    No.  I don't have a problem buying products made in other countries.
    I don't either. That would be bizzare.
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    Here is the article I mentioned earlier.  I know it is technically an opinion piece, but it made a lot of sense to me. 

    hellopoppy - I started reading this because like you, it was something I had heard about and decided to look into further.  I am not advocating that everyone never buy a foreign product again, but I just want to be an informed consumer and make good decisions

    DS 3.12.08
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  • Bmmw to answer you question-- I have known poppy for several years and I know where she is coming from because we have had this conversation before

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  • imageeaglesfan700:

    Here is the article I mentioned earlier.  I know it is technically an opinion piece, but it made a lot of sense to me. 

    hellopoppy - I started reading this because like you, it was something I had heard about and decided to look into further.  I am not advocating that everyone never buy a foreign product again, but I just want to be an informed consumer and make good decisions

    Oh no. For some reason when I clicked it didn't go to the article.
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  • I just discovered American apparel which is manufactured in CA. It's pretty young looking but there's stuff that i could see wearing. They have kids clothes too. The prices are pretty reasonable.
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  • I have tried in the past (usually not just American, but at least made in a country with unions).  It's really hard!  One year, I was determined to buy only U.S.A. or fair-trade shoes, but I kept getting "heartbroken" that a shoe I loved was made in China.  Plus, it really adds up when you're talking about clothing.  Not such a problem when we were two-income, but now that we live on one, I'm not so comfortable buying $150 shoes.

    Most things I buy used, which kind of skirts around the issue.

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  • I'm glad you posted this.  It has forced me to put more thought into something that I think is worth thinking about. 
  • Huggies are made in the USA by Kimberly Clark...
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