My back is majorly messed up. I don't know what is wrong, but it has been getting worse by the day for over two weeks now. This is some of the worst pain of my life, I can barely lift my own baby, wipe my own butt or stand up from sitting without looking like a granny. I went to the doc last week since it wasn't going away and an xray showed nothing wrong. Started with a chiropractor and PT last week as well. My sister was able to come down and help for 2 days so I got some rest and it's only getting worse!
My mom was going to take DS this week even before this happened, so I was figuring I only had to make it through 2 more days of both kids. Well, my mom hurt HER back and can't take him now.
I have a babysitter that can probably help out at the end of the week, but then she starts student teaching next week.
I honestly don't feel like I can take care of my own kids with the amount of pain I'm in. Especially my 20 pound 5 month old. I feel so desperate, but don't know what to do.
I'm going to call my doc tomorrow and ask that I get a MRI done b/c I really feel like something else is going on that didn't get picked up with a xray. I need to know what I'm dealing with and if it's just a matter of time or if something bigger is going on. I'm nursing so the pain meds I am taking aren't even putting a dent in the pain. Sadly the only thing that helped temporarily was the margarita I had last night!
I guess I just need to vent and hopefully there might be some insight offered too. I haven't cried yet, but I think I need to have a good one at this point.
Re: Pity party of one and WWYD?
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
I was just talking to DH and I'm calling my midwife tomorrow to get my Paragard removed. I've only had it since the end of May and no AF yet, but that's when the pain started. Like literally the second I got into my car from getting it inserted was when I first noticed the burning in my back in the same spot that I'm having the pain now, but obviously it's gotten much, much worse. At first it was small, but intense, like a hot poker. I've mentioned it to my midwife, my PCP, the chiropractor and the PT, but nobody thinks there would be a correlation. I'm desperate and willing to try anything and it looks like lower back pain can be a side effect and I've read stories (online of course) where people had the same problem I do until it was removed. Wouldn't that be crazy if that was the problem?
And unfortunately DH can't take off of work since his biz partner is on vacation this week, go figure.
I'm feeling a renewed sense of hope that it might be related to the Paragard, but obviously don't want to get too hopeful either.
I unfortunately have been there. I went from being able to walk 16 miles at 24 weeks pregnant to not being able to walk further than the car from the grocery 3 months after my DS was born. This lasted until DS started to walk and quit breast feeding (at 17 and 15 months). My doctors where not very supportive of my theory that the BF and DS not walking was causing a huge herniated disc (very visible on my MRI) to be extra painful.
2 years after this pain started, and 8 months after the worst of the pain, when they strongly suggested that I have spinal fusion (didn't), I am ready to start training with my son, for a 1/2 marathon again. I visited a chiropractor to no avail, really only because I had exhausted the medical community. I was BF much of the time, so meds were not much of an option, except nights when I would wake up in such severe pain as to not be able to function and need ER attention without meds. Poison control was super helpful for talking through the actual risk of meds and BF. They have a lot more info than either my OB or ped.
I wish you the best of luck. It is extremely debilitating. If you qualify, you may consider applying for social security disability. I did not need it, so I didn't. but the baby sitters just for the spinal injections I had where quite expensive, so if you consistently need assistance, it might be worth it.
Oh you poor thing! I wish I could offer my babysitting services but as you know we have been struck with the cold sore virus in this household:( If you need anything, I would be more than happy to help in anyway I can...seriously! I hope the doctor can figure out what the issue is...quickly!