Stay at Home Moms

Back from vaction & new siggy!

It was a long/good 12 days, but glad to be home.

Re: Back from vaction & new siggy!

  • imagescatteredtrees:
    I was just thinking about your trip the other day- you drove right? How did your girls do in the car?

    We drove - about 20 hours total each way.  Alex got car sick and puked on the way there and not sure if it was car sickness or what but Dylan puked on the way home.  Seriously terrible baby-puke stench in the van.  I sat in back with Dylan, so it was good, she was really pretty good.

    The trip was good.  We had a fun time.  So glad to be home though!!

  • Looks fun!  I love living close to the beach!

    10 MONTHS APART AND LOVIN IT! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers imageimage
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