My husband and I have no kids yet, and are waiting a few months before TTC. We've discussed me being a SAHM but my only concern is that I will have no money of my own. I worry about having to go to him for ALL my spending. Does anyone have any suggestions for work from home ideas?
Re: Working from Home?
I do phone sex, and it helps me afford my Nordy's habit.
Also, it's only 10am here...too early for a drink, I think. Please come back and post this at a more appropriate time!
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
Ive been drinking for the past 2 days for DH's bday, and its too early.
Why doesn't anyone ask this question Friday at 5:30pm?
I didn't think your comment was rude. You pointed that out and were nice about it. But this does irritate many people when asked and not everyone is always "playing." Just confuses me. I have alot of humor but when I can tell someone is in a hard place by their post/question, I don't bring out the humor then, especially if they are new to the boards. That's just me. So like you said, it's not a big deal. Just voicing my opinion like others.
The best options for the girls on here seem to be: 1) do what you did before, just part time or 2) do a home-based business (Pampered Chef, Avon). I became a certified mediator before I quit, so now I do that on a very part time basis.
You should also have a talk with your DH handling spending money if you become a SAHM. You shouldn't feel like you are going begging when you would like some discretionary money. It's a shift in viewing "his" income as "our" income. My DH knows that he would not be doing as well in his job if I didn't stay home -- he never has to ask for time off for sick kids, kids' doctor's appointments, he works late and weekends if need be, never needs to go pick kids up, etc. So he gets recognized for his committment -- which he couldn't do if I was working too. KWIM?
As far as the other girls' answers, we get asked this a lot, so we've made a drinking game out of it. It's nothing personal to you.
I work for a previous supervisor (laid off prior to pregnancy) on a very part-time basis as a writer/researcher for a website. (Not same company, similar industry)
As someone mentioned, most of us that work from home are employed by our previous employer, or related to the industry, childcare, or things like Avon, Etsy shop, Scentsy etc.
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
Do you do phone sex from your home phone? Do you make good money?
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
Im dying over here.
Yep, it's pretty awesome. Sometimes difficult to stay in the mood while I'm wiping vomit off my shirt and refilling sippy cups but you've gotta' do what you've gotta' do.