Stay at Home Moms

I need help picking out a gift, thoughts...?

One of my good friends' daughter is turning 2 this month.  Mom is a SAHM and Dad is a teacher, and they are on a very strict budget.  We get together about once a week and hang out and do free stuff, we always have fun and our girls are adorable together.

They are throwing a huge party, and she invited 65 people (family and friends).  Kiddo has SO many toys (like, a ridiculously overwhelming amount of toys...3 bikes already, several baby strollers, play kitchen, outside toys, etc).

I'd typically spend about $20-$30 on something at Target and call it a day, but I'm thinking I want to do something different this time, it just seems so silly to get her a Handy Manny toolbox (or whatever) when their house is literally overflowing with toys already, and there's going to be about 40 people coming to the birthday party also.

Any ideas?

Would it be totally tacky to buy a pedicure gift certificate, or something, for the Mom? 

Or I was thinking a certificate for swim lessons, or ballet class, or something that she wouldn't typically pay for herself...?  But I have no idea how to gift that, ya know?

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Re: I need help picking out a gift, thoughts...?

  • I wouldn't buy something for mom, since it is a party for the LO

    Is there a local children's museum, zoo or aquarium you could get tickets for?  My parents always renew our children's museum membership for the kids' Christmas present each year, and that is the best gift.  A membership costs more than you would want to spend obviously, but you could pick up 2 tickets for $30. 

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  • I agree with an activity or maybe some fall clothing? Maybe buy the family a movie ticket gift card so they can go see a movie when something comes out that might interest their daugher. That they can hang onto for a special occasion. Zoo tickets? I think to gift the ballet class or something you would have to go to where she would do it and buy a gift certificate. We have a parks and rec department that does fabulous activities for the kids you could get the schedule and circle the class you want to give and write the mom a check and gift it that way so that the mom can register the daughter for the class. You could also give a visa gift card with a note that says you want to give her daughter and activity rather than a toy and just explain that is what the $ is for. HTH?? I think you have a nice idea for their family rather than another toy that they will just have to pick up or step over. 
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  • Since she's a SAHM on a budget, I would get a zoo membership.  The problem is making sure she doesn't already have one.  Perhaps the zoo offers gift cards, you could get one in the amount to cover a membership and give it to her - Or just lether know what you intend to do and ask if she has one or not.
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  • I agree with either clothes or a membership to the zoo or children's museum if there is one close by.
  • I like the idea of getting tickets to a zoo or some other kind of activity....

    Is the 2 yo still in diapers?  You could always get a box of diapers and wipes.  I know it's not very exciting, but it's useful and probably appreciated since they are on a tight budget.

    Another idea... do you have a decent camera?  You could offer to be the party "photographer".  Walk around and take a ton of photos, then have them printed and give to the parents.... maybe even put them in an album.  It's so hard when you are throwing a party yourself to make sure you get all of the photos taken that you would like to have taken.

  • I agree with the activity idea. They would probably love tickets to a museum or aquarium or movie tickets. For me, if anyone buys us these gifts I am always so grateful. We take DS out to do things but it's always such a treat when you don't have to buy it yourself lol.
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  • Thanks for all the ideas!

    The Zoo membership is $50, and I don't want to spend that I'm a member and I can get them both in for free already.

    What do you think about a $30 Red Robin gift card?  That way they can all go out to eat together, or they could use it for a date night if they wanted?

    Or I might see if a friend wants to go in on a membership to the children's museum, that would be cool too.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Clothes and PJ's are always a safe bet (size 4-6 since she's 2 and will likely be going through a growth spurt soon - DD wore size 4 forever)...  You could get training pants/pullups/potty seat even because that phase is likely coming very soon if it hasn't already started. 

    As for the activity thing, I think that depends on their personality.  Instead of Red Robin for a gift card, maybe a place like Chuck E. Cheese or McDonald's/Burger King since many have playlands... 

    Also, 2 is a bit young yet for swimming or ballet lessons...  Even 3 is pushing it based simply on where they are developmentally.

    One idea is the Crayola pages that only color on the page.  At that age they're starting to learn how to hold a crayon/marker...  And it's one thing that no matter how many you have you can ALWAYS use more of in addition to it being something that will grow with her. 

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