DD #2 woke up at 4:30 am yesterday (Wednesday) covered in vomit. She threw up one more time around 3pm. She didn't eat anything at all, and only drank some Pedialite before bed. She slept great last night considering (only woke up once at 3am for a drink and diaper change), and had a "dry" breakfast this morning (cheerios, a piece of plain whole grain waffle, two crackers) and some Pedialite.
It has now been 20 hours since the last incident, so I'm wondering when I can resume feeding her normal food. I'm planning to keep her away from milk until tomorrow, but what about veggies? When DD#1 gets a stomach bug, which she has a handful of times, she is usually done vomiting after an hour or so, then never does again. But since DD#2 did it twice yesterday with a 10 hour gap in between, I'm not sure we're in the clear yet. She is acting normal, and DD #1 just fed her some of her frozen peas (their latest favorite snack), but I'm not sure it's a great idea. Thoughts?
Re: 20 hours post stomach bug--How careful should I be?
This. I'd follow your DD's signals. If she's famished or is interested in eating something I'd give it to her. I am a firm believer that kids know what they want/need.
Yeah, we're skipping music. I've already called to make sure we can attend the class Saturday morning as a make up. I've heard the same thing about stomach bugs, and this one seems to be going around among my kids and their friends, and there have been several days between the onset of each case.