I qut my job to be a stay at home mom right before my daughter was born, therefore we lost our insurance. My husband's employer covers him but to add our daughter and myself, we would have to pay over $1,000/month - pretty rediculous! We do not want to do government assistance and can not find an individual insurance plan that covers maternity care (we are wanting to start trying again for #2 soon). We have met with several agencies and they all told us that there is no individual plan that will cover maternity and that I will have to be put on my husband's insurance for that. We have been super blessed with a healthy baby (now 14 months old) and have not had to go to the doctor outside of well child visits. She is getting at the "very mobile" stange and we dont want to chance not having health insurance on her and myself. So here is my question: Do any of you have an individual health insurance plan that covers maternity care? Not sure if it matters, but we live in Texas. Any ideas for health insurance for my little girl?

Re: Insurance help!
I am in the same situation, and BCBS is the only company that has maternity coverage in my state (NC). And it is pretty expensive, an EXTRA $200 a month!
You may be better off getting a simple policy with them or with someone else (to have insurance, and you will also get a discounted rate for your delivery), and saving up. My husband and I are currently working on running the numbers. Good luck!
TTC since August 2011 (Me-29, DH-32).
4/28/2012 - SA: 5% motility.
5/21/2012 - SA: same results.
Only shot is IVF (ICSI)
5/31/2012 - HSG: all clear
6/22/2012 - appt with RE, confirmed ICSI is necessary.
8/3/2012 - First IVF Monitoring Appointment
8/17/2012 - Egg Retrieval (retrieved 23 eggs, 3 made it to freezer)
8/18/2012 - OHSS - hospitalized, need to wait one cycle to transfer embryo(s) due to OHSS
8/29/2012 - begin meds for frozen cycle
10/12/2012 - FET one embryo
10/24/2012 - Beta #1: 442
10/26/2012 - Beta #2: 947
10/29/2012 - Beta #3: 2900!
11/15/2012 - first u/s: baby measuring perfect, heart rate is right on target
2/6/2013 - A/S looked perfect. Still team green by choice!
7/6/2013 - Baby girl born after 44 hours of un-medicated labor, 2 hours of pushing, and emergency c-section due to transverse head. DD was perfectly healthy at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. We are thrilled!!
As far as I know, very few individual policies will offer maternity coverage and, even then, you're looking at pretty high deductible plans in terms of affordability.