Stay at Home Moms

Thundershirt users?

So I bought this thing for my big, huge baby of a dog and I guess I was expecting more of a change than I am seeing. What kind of results did you get with it? Here's a pic for those that have no idea what a thundershirt is....its basically a doggy swaddle me.

image - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: Thundershirt users?

  • imagemuffin87:

    Lurking here, and not sure if you are still checking this...

    We used one on our dog and have had a lot of success with it. He is very afraid of strange people and normally barks, etc. and was able to sit in a room full of strangers (pasted to my leg but relatively happy) when we have had family gatherings at our house.

    I know others that have used it for thunder and have had successful, but I know some people that it hasn't worked at all for their dogs.

    One tip might be that it works better if they wear it for about 1/2 hour BEFORE the scary thing (storm, people, whatever) if possible.

    Thanks for the response! Yeah, someone did tell me to get it on her before the storm starts which I have been doing. She has gotten better but she still does have a mild freak out every time the weather gets stormy. I guess I should just take what I can get...haha. - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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