Cloth Diapering

ColicCalm and CDs

Just wondering if any CDing mamas have used Colic Calm before.  It is a black liquid that stains clothing.. not sure if it will stain when it comes out the other end, as well.  It definitely makes my little guy's BMs come out black instead of the normal BFing poo yellow.  I've been avoiding my cloth diapers when we use it, just in case.  


Boy #1, born 6/5/2011
Boy #2, born 8/27/2014

Currently... Pregnant with mo/di BOY TWINS!  Due September 15.  Latest induction will be 37w.

Re: ColicCalm and CDs

  • I used it while DS was in CD and cloth wipes and it never stained.  It always stained his clothes so while he was on colic calm all I'd put him in was a diaper.
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