This is my first post on any blog ever! I am excited to start this new chapter of my life. On Thursday my little boy is starting Pre-school and I will no longer have SpongeBob, play dates and hugs and kisses filling my day. I have 3 boys 4,8 and 9. I will still be staying home, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, tips or planning ideas to keep me on track. I am a very organized person, but I am overwhelmed at where to begin. I need time blocking, scheduling and lists. I want to be a great domestic engineer and maintain a clean house but not clean 8 hours a day. I plan on volunteering at the boys school and things like that. I would Love any suggestions.
Re: Stay at home mom to housewife..What to do now that my boys are going to school??
I can't wait for all my boys to be in school at the same time!! Jealous! hehehe
Anyway, my plan is to get a part time job. But if I can't find one, I was planning on starting my own little business of cake decorating. Meanwhile, I'll probably do a lot of volunteering at their school, hang out with other SAHM friends, and maybe join a gym and workout. Cleaning the house will only be one day out of the week, like it is now.
I'm sure things will come up and I'll find ways to keep busy. : )
Like the other pp's sometimes I look forward to that day when all the kids are in school lol
I know I'm already planning what that will be like for me!
I would work out right after dropping everybody off.
Go home and clean, and I would do that just like how I do it now. One chore or duty per day, Monday vacuuming, Tuesday bathroom cleaning etc...
I know I'd volunteer at their school, either in the office or their classrooms. I would probably break it up where each week I volunteer in a different classroom. For example, week 1 at ds's class, week 2 at dd's class and so on.
Once they'd be out of the elementary school years I would want to spend my time volunteering at a children's hospital here and there.
And I can't forget, I'd want to spend some time at the mall
Hola Pres!
Im also jealous of you!! I can't wait till all the kids are in school too for more than just part time lol. You will do great! Now on Thursdays we can have SAHM dates!
I always think about all the things I will be able to do when the kids are all in school. (which won't be for a very long time as we do plan on having another in a couple of years) I will be thin (b/c I will be able to work out without someone small stopping me), my house will be clean, I will volunteer at the school, I might get a part-time job or take some classes. I will be just as busy as I am now, things just will be easier (I think).
Enjoy this time in your life (and let us know if we are all deluded and it's not as fun as we think it's going to be) !