Stay at Home Moms

Tips for dealing with LO's separation anxiety from daddy?

DH works pretty normal 9 to 5 hours for May, June and most of July.  Then end of July to the beginning of next May his hours get pretty insane.

This past week he has gone back to long hours and does not get home until after midnight.  DD is going through separation anxiety from him and asks for him all day.  She also gets on her scooter and rides it to the front door telling me she is going to see daddy! lol

If your H/SO works long hours, any tips on helping LO when they miss him? And for the transition?

Meeting her hero...
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Re: Tips for dealing with LO's separation anxiety from daddy?

  • I don't have any tips, but my LO asks for DH all day, as well. He plays with her when he is home, so I'm not sure what else we can do! She asks about him 2-3 times per hour and I just have to keep telling her that he's at work and will be home later. Sometimes we call him - but that definitely doesnt stop her from asking for him.
    DD1: Maya 05/10
    DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
  • My hubby seems to always be working. Not b/c he wants to but b/c he has to. His regular job is very behind on their work and they are on mandatory 10 hour shifts. They were on mandatory 12 hour shifts working 6 days a week and were trying to convince them to work sunday until they realized all the long hours were taking a toll on their employees. My hubby is also in the Army National Guard so he has drill once a month and has been gone 2 weeks for his Annual training and a week after he got back, they called him up for another 2 weeks to help fight fires. The Army seems to always be sending him somewhere so between work and the Army, my hubby tends to be gone alot. My daughter is 3 and she will say she misses daddy and that daddy is at work but for the most part she deals very well. She will say she misses daddy and daddy is at work. When he is gone with the Army, he calls us every day and I let her talk to him. If he is close, we will try to go see him a few days. 3 months after she was born, DH got deployed for a year to Afghanistan so she started out without daddy being gone. When she starts missing him, I have explained to her that daddy is at work, he loves her, misses her, but he has to be at work so she can watch Spongebob and that daddy will be home tonight or whenever he gets back. For a 3 year old, she grasps this concept very well. She will come tell me "I miss daddy. Daddy's at work. Daddy be home tonight." She normally makes a sad face and I hug her and she is onto her next mission of destroying the house.
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  • My DH usually works 8 hours but there are days when he has to work 12 or 16 hours.  What helps us is that he works in the afternoon so DS gets to spend time with DH in the morning.  DH goes to the gym or goes running in the morning and he usually spends around 1-2 hours with DS before he goes to work.  DS always gets very clingy when DH leaves to the gym and goes to work.  He always wants him to hold him and he starts to cry so DH always holds him for a few minutes before leaving then I get DS and say "Say bye-bye to daddy and give kisses to daddy" On DH's last 16 hour day, he was gone all day.  DS kept walking to the laundry room door and looking at it.  He couldn't even sleep and he fell asleep 10 mintues before DH arrived.  He doesn't talk yet so he isn't asking for him yet.  
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