Stay at Home Moms

I'm up way too late...but I have good news!!

Wow!   DH applied for this job back towards the beginning of June I believe.  We knew the process would take forever.  Then, through the grapevine we heard he got the job, but have been waiting around for WEEKS for an official letter/phone call/whatever.  Well DH is almost always signed into his e-mail on this computer and I went to check mine, but browsed through his first since he was signed in......he got an official e-mail FOUR DAYS AGO!  LOL - he got the job and doesn't even know it because his dumb-butt never checks his e-mails and he's at work right now - hahaha!  So yes, I am telling you all before he even knows - that he got a new job! lol.  This is so awesome :-) 
Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder

Re: I'm up way too late...but I have good news!!

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