
What increments did you freeze BM in?

DS is 6 weeks old and I haven't given him a bottle yet, so I'm unsure of how much BM to freeze at a time.  I am going to be working a few Saturdays a month starting next month, so he'll be getting bottles then and hopefully other times so I can have a little more freedom. 

DS#1 is 2y.o., but I forget how much he ate at this age.  Also, I'm not pumping as much yet for #2, so I am trying to get maximum use out of whatever I pump and not freeze too much in each bag.  How much did you start out freezing at a time?

DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: What increments did you freeze BM in?

  • 4ounces at Max's age. Once he started drinking more it was 6 ounces, then 8 ounces and finally as much as I could fit in one bag.

    ygm - btw :-)

  • 3-4 oz a bag.

    Miles would eat 4-6 oz per feeding and Emilia ate 3-4 oz per feeding so it usually worked out perfect in the smaller increments.


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  • I froze 6oz/bag but that was because even at that young of an age, Ian was chowing down like the world was ending.
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  • I froze it in 3 and 4oz. ?My DD never took more than 6 at a time for a long time and then rarely 8. ?3 was great for the first 4 or so months and then the 4 oz ones came in handy. ?I even threw in a few 2 oz or 6 oz here or there. ?

    I'd go with smaller amounts at first - 2, 3, 4....?

    Mommy to Lucy and Jack " Sometimes being a b!tch is the only thing a woman has to hold on to."
    - Dolores Claiborne
  • I did 3 and 4 oz. bags.  It was quick to thaw out this way.
  • We use the bottles from the hospital, so those are full to the top at 3 oz., so I freeze in either 3 oz or 6.  Usually the 3, so MH can just pour from the bag into the botttle and not have to worry about the rest of it in the bag.  And because he's usually holding the baby in the other hand.

    But I've gone through a shitton of BM bags this way too.


    Me with my littlest.
  • I used to freeze mine in an ice cube tray, so it was 2oz per cube, and I would thaw out as many cubes as I needed at that time.
  • At that age, bottles were small - probably 2-3 oz. He may fight the bottle too and not drink as much while you are gone, esp since he still hasn't had a bottle yet. My DD fought the bottle big time and we first introduced it at 5w. As she got older I started freezing in 4-6 oz quantities.
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  • I never did more than 4oz at a time at that age.  I would do a bunch of 4oz bags and then some 1-2oz bags. As she got older, she starting taking 5-6oz at a time, so I could combine a 4oz bag with a 1-2oz bag.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I always did 4 oz

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