Ethan was 2 years, 2 months when we flew. We used his convertible seat on the way down, and on the way home we gate checked his seat and he sat in the regular seat. He did fine both ways
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We flew last Xmas with Leah, who was 2.5 at the time. We brought her convertible carseat and it fit fine, even though the airline insisted it wouldn't and that we needed to gate-check it. I was ticked about that. But I proved them wrong and it fit just fine. She loved it and let us buckle her in and everything just as if she were in a regular car.
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We have flewn several times with Griffin since he turned 2 and have never brought the carseat with us. He has been absolutely fine just sitting in the airplane seat.
Re: If you flew with a 2-3yr old . .
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
Griffin 10/2007