I was thinking about it and my husband and I aren't either, I like to spend on some things and save on others, same with my husband are you like this. For example I like to spend a little extra on paper towels, my husband likes to buy the cheap ones but I don't mind paying for Viva our Bounty,my husband likes to spend on things like cars, I don't mind getting an older car but my husband would rather we got a newer model (not neccesarily new just newer) What are you and your husband like? Thanks in advance.
Re: Are you the saver or the spender?
I'm the saver. For sure. On the other hand, if there is a way to spend money on something, my husband will find it.
We are a good balance but it can be frustrating at times.
This is how I feel, we do a lot of shoping at Walmart and Costco so I try to shop smart. Since there isn't too big of a price diffrence DH doesn't complain.
This exactly.
This is us too!
I'm a spender in general, but I'm also like you. I buy Jewel (our local grocery store) brand bread and Target brand paper towels but only buy organic produce/dairy, etc.
I will never buy a brand new car and get toys off of Craigslist, but my kids wear some designer clothes.
I think it's all about priorities and what you care about!
My DH definitely has his priorities but in general is much cheaper than I am LOL
We have two completely different spending styles. I tend to be more frugal on everyday stuff and splurge on more expensive purchases. DH tends to spend more on a day to day basis and have a harder time making the expensive purchases.
I do most of the shopping and buy a lot of generic brand stuff. For the most part, DH doesn't complain. He hates generic paper towels and uses them a lot more than I do. He also tends to spend more on convenience stuff. We both have a few things like razors and soda that we prefer the name brand.
He also spends a lot at the car wash and has to get the most expensive option. I'm fine washing mine in the driveway or using the quarter machine.
I spend more on clothes. DH has a pretty laid back style and is fine with cheap/sale clothes. I don't have a problem with cheap clothes, but I do have a hard time finding stuff that fit right and end up having to spend more. Plus DH's weight/size usually stays the same and I can buy clothes on clearance off season for him. I also spend a lot more on workout clothes. We both spend a lot on workout shoes. DH spends more on everyday and work shoes. I'm fine with Payless.
DH spends a lot on eating out especially for his lunches. He also has a large dvd collection and buys those $5 movies a lot. DH also splurges a lot when it comes to me and date nights. He's usually tries to talk me into getting stuff when I ask him for his opinion even if it's something completely unnecessary.
I splurged on my smart phone, but DH was fine with a cheaper model "as long as it had a keyboard."
So even though DH actually spends less money than me and might only swipe his debit card 6 times a month - I'm the saver.
I'm the spender and he's the saver. That's why he's "in charge" of our loose budget. ;-)
ETA: He has no problem spending money on quality, such as nice clothes, vacations, etc. But if he were in charge of the grocery shopping (he is not for a reason, LOL), he would probably find a way to spend about 1/4 of what I do.
I don't think dh knows the value of things, so he ends up being a spender on accident lol
If he goes shopping for clothes, he'll spend what I consider too much money and he'll have 3 shirts and a pair of shoes. He THINKS it was a good deal, but I know I could've found better.
Most of the time, my husband is the spender while I'm the saver but there are some things that I will spend extra on. It just depends on what it comes down to. I will save on trash bags, paper towels, windex, dish washing soap,sponges, but spend a lil extra on my laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and multi purpose cleaner.
When it comes to clothing, I normally try to save unless it comes to a pair of jeans that fit me right. I have a hard time finding jeans that fit and look right so when I do come across a pair, I will spend a little extra.
Basically, I will pay for quality. If I can justify the extra money spent and I think the quality is worth the extra price, I will spend extra. I don't know if that makes any sense. My husband on the other hand, normally things the more you spend means the better product you get.