Stay at Home Moms

$500 a school year for dance class...

Am I way out of line by thinking this is a bit steep? Im talking a once a week, 45 minute class for a 3 year old. I have checked out several studios in my area and they are all about the same price. I think Lil would love it but man that adds up with both kids also doing PDO next year! - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: $500 a school year for dance class...

  • We pay $12 a lesson, which is $48 a month for 10 months.  That is cheap in our area.  The "fancy" dance schools are more.  There is a cheaper one that has hip hop, ballet, and tap.  It is $30 a month, without the formal recitals. 
  • JCMJCM member
    If all the schools in the area seem to be about the same it must be inline with the market where you live.  I just enrolled DD in gymnastics (mommy & me), it's once a week for 45 minutes too & it runs us $60 a month so $816 per year & didn't include the registration fee.  She's 2.5 but I like having a structured scheduled activity to go to with her each week. I'm hoping it will teach her to share & wait her turn among other things.
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  • i'm in the boston area and that sounds about right...does that include costumes for the recital...about $75.
  • That's about what they cost near me. My daughter took it last year (birthday gift from a generous family member) and it was in that range. I looked at 5 or 6 places and that was going rate around here.
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well okay then, lol. I guess I should probably accept the fact that things are going to get more and more expensive the older they get:) - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Try your local parks and recreation programs. You might be able to find something cheaper that way.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image.
  • I will pay $60 a month plus an $80 registration fee plus $95 for a recital costume and $75 for a recital fee so $850 for the year her cheerleading is $50 a month bi does include the uniform while her dance does not we pay about $600 a year for swimming one day a week for thirty minutes a week per kid
  • it does get spendy! the better they are, more $$$...the competitive dancers are likely paying close to $10k a year.

    i forgot to include registration and recital tickets, photos and the video that she's in for 4 minutes!!!

    totally worth it though, i mean what's cuter than a 3 yo ballerina?!

  • That's about right.  I estimate that is about the cost per year (including registration fee, recital and costume) for one class a week at our studio and we are just about the cheapest in the area.  Fortunately, since I work at the studio, DS#1 gets classes for free - but we do have to pay for costumes, dancewear, and shoes of course.  That is another cost to keep in mind - shoes alone can get spendy.  I just bought ours for the new season - but will probably have to buy more mid-year because he is growing like crazy and they can't be purchased too big. 
    Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
    Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
  • That's pretty standard around here.

    FWIW, I took dance from age 5 to age 17 and it was $60/month back then....... 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • That sounds about right - a 10w 1x/week session of gymnastics here costs $140, so multiplied out, you're right in line..
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I paid $80 for 8 classes, so about $10/class?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That's pretty standard around here.
  • My daughter's studio charges montly so $30/month for one class(classes are once a week for a half hour) and the classes run for 9 months so roughly $270 plus a costume for the recital which runs $40-$70.
  • That seems pretty on par with prices around here. When I taught dance, it was $30/month for kids that age (LCOL area) which would be ~$270, however, this was also over 10 years ago. I haven't looked into prices lately, but I'd say it's probably closer to $400/year now.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imagenaturelle25:
    Well okay then, lol. I guess I should probably accept the fact that things are going to get more and more expensive the older they get:)

    YUP! I say that all the time to everyone. Especially people thinking of having #3 (or more).

    And yes, I KNOW that kids are expensive as you make them, but if you have 3 kids and they are each in one activity like this per year, then you're looking at around $2K extra in your budget.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • Yep, we had a lesson in that this summer.  We signed the girls up for a music class for the summer (mommy and me, once a week for 45 min, they are in the same class), and it was $400 for both of them.  For three months.  If we do it year round, it would be a LOT more.  I guess there's a high demand for these types of classes, so they can charge a lot.  To me, paying a lot for dance classes for an older child makes sense, but I still can't quite get over how much we are paying for a toddler music class in which the parents participate.  It is what it is, I guess!
    BabyFruit Ticker On our way to 3 under 4! DD1 1/22/09 DD2 7/16/10 Baby Boy Due This Summer!
  • Sounds right to me for a studio. My sister and I started out dancing at the ymca at 3/4 years old and I think it was a little less costly there.
    DD1: Maya 05/10
    DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13
  • Good Lord! This post makes me feel bad for all the money I cost my parents in dance classes! I was in ballet and jazz for about 10 years and tap for 5! Thats 3 different costumes for each recital and 3 different shoes. Also, I did the nutcracker every year and usually had a few different parts...more costumes. I also did a couple competitions with our studio, when I was a little older, so we had to travel and had yet another costume. I had never thought about the cost of all that. Goodness!
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  • I'm paying $360 for the school year.  A 45 minute class for a 5 yr old.

    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
  • It gets crazy more expensive the older they get.  We were paying 180 a month for two in dance last year. That included NOTHING. So we got hit with costumes and pictures and recital fees. Awesome.

    Did I mention we aren't doing dance this year? lol


    When my dd was 6 we began competitive cheerleading. It was easy several thousand a year and went up from there.

    This year I found a cheap indoor arena flag football team for the 11 year old. The baby and I are doing a mommy and me gymnastics class for 180 for 16 weeks. I didn't think that was too steep.

    Kevin & Traci May 11, 2006 Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Photobucket
  • We pay about that...60/month starts in Sept ends in May.  I did this for my 2 year old last year, and it was so worth it.  This year I am letting her do it again, but grandparents are helping since I have to pay preschol and we just had baby #2... honestly, I would not be able to afford both this year, but taking advantage of grandparents help...she loves dance and her school is def worth the $!
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  • That sounds about right. We pay $48 a month for DD for one 45 min. class a week, for classes Sept-June. 

    That's not including the recital fee, costume fee, pictures, etc. We spend a lot on dance class, but DD loves it so it's worth it for us. 

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