Stay at Home Moms

XP: what is your toy buying "style"?

I posted this on my local and I thought I would ask here as well:

Do you buy/give toys as you go or do you buy and give for special occasions (birthdays, holidays)?

I've been going along just kind of buying and giving but as Lorenzo is getting older- I dont want him to think he gets a gift everytime we go to the store.  His bday is Jan- so he was kind of without summer toys... 

we were at a party this weekend and he loved the bounce house- so i was going to get one- but then my cousin was like, "don't you want to wait for xmas or are you one of those that buys everything right away..."

it made me stop and think... 

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Re: XP: what is your toy buying "style"?

  • When DD1 was younger, it was more of buy-as-we-go. Mainly because we had nothing as far as toys, since she's the first child for us and grandchild on both no hand me downs either. We needed developmentally appropriate toys for her and waiting for Xmas or her Feb. b-day wasn't going to happen.

    Now that DD1 is older, and DD2 has a ton of toys from DD1, we mostly wait until Xmas/b-days. Though for outdoor summer stuff, I'll buy that. I also will buy them little things here and there, like a soccer ball or a barbie w/ glasses when DD1 got glasses. And there are educational toys that I will buy if I think they'll either love it or it will help with whatever we're currently working on (like a leap frog scribble and write thing). So I do still buy-as-we-go, but most major stuff is saved for b-days and Xmas.

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  • I try not to buy too much for DS when it is not his birthday or Christmas. That said, his birthday is in March and I think that he will need some new toys for stimulation and exploration. I probably not buy him anything big though, and I intend to try to teach him that if he does get something it is a special treat.

     When we were little, my mom always told us whether or not we were going to get something whenever we went shopping. She would also tell us that she expected us to be well behaved no matter what. She swears this worked really well with my sister and I, so as DS grows I plan to try this with him as well.

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  • We really don't buy many toys unless it is a special occasion.  However, I have been known to give in a buy a damn hot wheels just so I can make my way through the store without the screaming. 
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  • At this age I buy at random.

    When he gets a little older, I will probably stop this and buy for special occasions.

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  • Ditto on the hot wheels lol... thank god they're only $0.97

    We buy some toys here and there, but we mostly wait for b'days and xmas. 

    MIL buys them plenty of toys in between the holidays that we don't need to get them anything else. But we've also had talks with her to stop buying so much. So now she only gets them small cheap things...

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  • imageKC_13:

    At this age I buy at random.

    When he gets a little older, I will probably stop this and buy for special occasions.

    Same for me - at this age she doesn't realize I'm buying her anything, but when she knows the difference I will limit it.

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  • Liz342Liz342 member

    I do not buy toys for my kids unless it is a birthday or holiday.  Occasionally, if we are lacking something, like outdoor toys for the summer I will buy those.

    My kids get sooo many toys for bdays and Christmas.  Then they forget about them after a few days.  I don't even bother replacing batteries in toys anymore, unless it's a favorite toy.

    I don't want my kids thinking they just get toys for no reason.  Special occasions and occasional rewards are ok but that's about it for us.

    We did just get the kids a swingset and a slide for their kiddie pool so I guess they get stuff sometimes, but we definitely don't come home with toys when we are out at the store.  And don't get me wrong, they aren't lacking anything!!!!  They get lots and lots of goodies, I just wait for certain occasions.

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  • I buy toys as we go - I try to carefully select the ones I think he needs for developmental stimulation or ones that he will really enjoy.

    If toys come up for 'free' on freecycle, I grab 'em - Got him a great little popper lawn mower this week and picking up a sit and spin tonight.


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  • Our apartment is overrun with toys, the vast majority of which were not my purchases! We have generous family members who go overboard at Christmas and birthdays so I have bought very few toys ever lol! Once in a blue moon they'll get a treat if they're good at Target but usually they wait for gifts. Luckily they have July and August birthdays, so we're well spaced through the year.
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  • I mostly only buy toys for special occasions.  It works well because my boys are born in the summer, so 6 months later they are getting new stuff for Christmas.  There might be a couple other small things going on that they'd get something small.  I feel like we already have a ton of toys, there is no reason to go out and get them the next greatest, newest thing out there. 

    There WAS a time when my first was transitioning from baby toys to older toys and we just didn't have much, so I did buy several toys just while we were out shopping.  I think (hope!) he was too little then to realize he was getting presents for no reason, haha.  

    I kind of get your situation though - if you don't have outdoor toys, I would think it would be ok to get something outside of a special occasion - just not a lot or all the time.  

    I was about to get my older one a bike for his birthday (it was a few weeks ago), but it is SO HOT here.  I don't want to sit outside and teach him to ride it.  The only thing anyone should be doing outside here right now (and for the past month and probably for the next month) is go swimming/play in the water.  I think a bike is kind of a common toy that most kids have.  I remember getting mine for no special reason.  I'm thinking about getting him one in September/October when it's cooler and it would make more sense to use. 

    Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
    Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
  • So far, the only time I've had to buy toys for DD (besides small things like coloring books, crayons, etc.) has been for Christmas and her birthday. We have a huge family so she's gotten a ton of hand-me-down toys. Also, my MIL has a garage sale addiction and has purchased so many toys for this summer. Our house is quite literally bursting with DD's toys to the extent that I'm already dreading the holidays (her b-day is in early January so we tend to get bombarded all at one time).
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  • Depends. There are times we will buy a small toy or two.I also tend to buy and make my kids earn it. It is difficult to find a good buy and pass on it. I usually have a closet full of toys that my kids can choose from or receive for Christmas or their birthday.
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  • When we get close to special occasions, I will hold off on buying toys until that occasion arrives. From time to time, we will go buy our DD a toy, movie, or a lil something extra but we do not buy her something every time we go into the store. Sometimes if she is extra good we will reward her for her behavior but we do not do it often enough where she expects a reward for her good behavior.
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