Baby Showers

A Baby Shower & A Diaper Party???

Where we live it is popular for the men to have a diaper party.  If you aren't sure what that is, it's where all the guys bring diapers and wipes and just hang out (poker, yard games, beer, bbq).  My shower is this Sunday and I have had several people ask when my husband's diaper party is.  The issue I am having is that it seems like one of his friends should step up and plan it.  Not that I have any problem paying for the beer and food.  I just feel tacky asking people to bring diapers over for a party after their wives are already invited to my shower and most likley will have a gift.  We are in our 30's so most of our friends are married couples.  Everyone I have asked is planning their husband's party.  Does this seem like asking for double gifts?  We would have no problem each going to a shower and diaper party of the same family but we are pretty laid back.  Any opinions?  Should I just through it?  They will be getting free beer and bbq.  Thanks ladies. 
-Jill Brokering BabyFetus Ticker

Re: A Baby Shower & A Diaper Party???

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    I agree w/ you- it's tacky for you to throw a party "for" your DH, because really... it's for you too.  I wouldn't throw one. All you need to say is that you and DH aren't having one... period.  If anyone pushes on "why", I'd be gently honest and say that I don't feel comfortable throwing a party like that for yourself....
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    I agree with ECB.  If they want to know when it is...just say no one has offered to host one for you DH and leave it at that.  If they questions further then you can explain that you don't feel comfortable hosting yourself.
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    I have never heard of guys having a diaper party.
    Married 08.19.06 ~ DS 9.30.11 ~ Baby #2 EDD 11.28.18

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    Never heard of a men's diaper party until coming to TB, and I hate the idea.  Men don't want anything to do with this kind of celebration (usually).  If you MUST have one, it should be treated like a shower- someone else should be doing the organizing, not you- it will look like you're asking for gifts.  If no one steps up, then no diaper party.
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    Never heard of a men's diaper party until coming to TB, and I hate the idea.  Men don't want anything to do with this kind of celebration (usually).  If you MUST have one, it should be treated like a shower- someone else should be doing the organizing, not you- it will look like you're asking for gifts.  If no one steps up, then no diaper party.

    For the record, most of the women I know don't want anything to do with this kind of celebration, but out of obligation, we go....Stick out tongue


    I wouldn't plan my own. If a friend did it, fine. 

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    I think when people ask you when it is, say that you don't know because no one has planned one yet.  That'll make it clear that if they want it to take place, someone needs to plan it. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I know my husband and I were talking about diaper parties just the other week. One of my aunts brought it up and asked if he were going to do one. I was thinking it might be a good idea. Anything that helps the hubby to get excited about the baby is great. My hubby didn't agree. With the spans of ages (if it were to include family and friends) he just couldn't really think of anything since he isn't really a sports kind of guy and the older men probably wouldn't enjoy a LAN party (video games). However, I don't think it is tacky to throw one for your husband. My friend helped plan a weekend get-away/ last hurrah for her husband with his friends in the name of being a new dad. In many ways I think it is what is culturally acceptable in your area, and looking we are from similar areas and so I think it is fine. It isn't considered tacky around us and I don't think of others as being tacky for throwing them. Now diaper raffles at a baby shower.... another story. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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