I was really looking forward to DH getting home today because 1) I need a break due to our epic fail in moving T to a toddler be that resulted in me putting the crib back together at 245 am and 2) because we really need to talk about him deciding that all of a sudden he won't do anything unless asked. So, I get a phone call 15 minutes after I expect him home and it goes a little something like this " hey, um....im running late" to that I said " yeah, I can tell" DH reply " Im in Fairfield" to that I said " so, you will be home...in 2 hours!" and he says " yeah"...so I get off the phone and take a deep breath and tell myself to let that go cause it isn't his fault...
hopefully, by the time he gets home I will have simmered long enough to talk about the real issue and not blow up about things that just are out of our control...
Vent over...thanks
Re: So my quiting time just got extended